I guess it's Goretober so...

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I just felt like I haven't done anything for goretober yet (cuz, everyone's doing that challenge but stuff is happening and I relly don't get much time to draw) so have this:

I just felt like I haven't done anything for goretober yet (cuz, everyone's doing that challenge but stuff is happening and I relly don't get much time to draw) so have this:

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Yeah. Just a quick lil sketch....

I just want this book to end already...
I've grown tired of it and I wanna start anew.
I'm ashamed for all my old art... (Have you ever looked at the first pic of my first art book? No? Well... 50 GODDAMN VOTES. WHYYYY?!?! I wanna take that book down so badly but I'd feel bad cause I actually hate it when people take their old art books down just cause the art isn't as good as the current one... so I guess I shouldn't take it down. Besides, I wouldn't want to have anyone miss my very first fails at art :3)
My goal is to finish it until halloween.

Also, I found something:
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Now I've really seen everything.
Do you know anyone with that fear? Would be awesome to know... :)

Also, since everyone's life is so crappy right now, I'll try to do my best to make y'all happy! ^^
I hate seeing people sad...
So no more sad Freak for now :)
Human psychology is weird:
If you're sad, you get depressive, and you get even sadder from that which makes you even more depressive and so on.
On the other side: If you're happy, you laugh, and you get even happier which makes you laugh even more and so on.

So basically, being sad is like poisoning yourself while being happy is like a cure.
Also, happy humans have more dopamin (is that how you write it?) which makes you really healthy and fit so... laugh and try your best to be happy :D
Please? I know it's hard, but you can't give up like that... I'm trying my best here, too.

Btw, I just watched World War Z. The story line basically cries ZOMBIES but it's really well made, although there are many holes in the theory. I love splatter gore like that X3

I hope you all have a good day. I really do. Cuz my day's been shit and I'd feel better if yours wasn't :)

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