Black and Brilliant (A Black Butler FanFic)

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A black room,A terrified girl with no hope of escape. A scream here and there to pepper the night  with satisfaction. A final scream to satisfy the torturer, a final scream to end her life.

  A shudder and sigh marks the end of her life, a frown planted firmly on her face. A tug here, a pull there and she's outside in the pale moonlight.

She's young, no doubting that she was easy, so easy to kill. The man dragging her seems to have great joy at the sight of the limp limbs and running blood.

The man himself is peculiar to look at. His hair is a brilliant white, and across his face stretches a scar. Laughing is the only thing he seems capable of, saying "I'll make her pretty and "please,just one more laugh." before succumbing to the laughter.

His laughter is either from the slaughter or the prospect of laying the girl down to rest in her coffin. The peculiar man seems to sober up enough to turn to me and say " Don't worry, I'll make you pretty some day"

I woke up after that.

Chapter 1

I awake from my dream to only immediately be sucked under into dream land, as if someone beckoned me to them.


"closer, my dear" I hear a voice say. "Who are you... and where are you?" I ask, searching for the voice in the dark. "I will show you... but promise me this, that you will visit me soon."  After that was said I was shown my house from the outside. then this vision blazed a trail into the woods, leaving signs for me to follow.

The first was a M shaped scratch on a tree. The second was a small grave stone. Last but not least, they showed me a boulder shaped like a crying child. After that there was a small dirt path."Follow this path and see where it takes you... I'll be waiting." and with that the White haired man from earlier looks at me, smiles and leaves.

* End of Dream*


Groaning I roll over and get up. I brushed my hair, then jumped into a boiling shower. I squeezed shampoo into my hands and lather it into my hair, and strangely it smelled like mints, when I thought I bought unscented. Oh well, I don't mind smelling of mints.

I grab my conditioner and follow suit. soon my body is exfoliated and smelling amazing, like an herb garden. I threw my towel on and dried off, walking over to my closet to get some clothes for school.

I settle on a pair of black converse, skinny jeans, and a red and black stripped hoodie. I look in the mirror to see if I looked ok.

My make up was done well, a layer of mascara here, a line of eyeliner here. I put on silver and black eyeshadow, which does its best to accent my hair and eyes.

My hair, long and styled scene, was a jet black and elegant, while my eyes where a deep turquoise colour. I deemed I looked human and took my phone out to check the time.

My sweat shirt slipped up and I saw scars railroading up and down my forearms. Quickly I avert my gaze back to my phone. The time was 7:20, meaning it was time to go to school.

I step out of the house after cleaning up after my drunken mothers fit. There was glass every where, of which I cleaned it all up. I sit outside and wait for the bus to come.

After 5 minutes I hear it  coming and get ready to board a throng of screaming children and sullen teenagers. The bus rattled around the corner and shuddered to a stop.

I clambered up the steps not,bothering to use the safety rail. It was as if I had the plauge when I walked down the aisle.

It was as if even the kindergarteners had heard about my attempted suicide. It was as if they were there to watch me bleed out on the rug of my room.

I take the single seat in the way back and take out a pocket knife. I carve a single tally mark for how many days it had been since the attempt. 156 days and counting.

Returning the knife to my pocket, I fall asleep.


The man with the white hair is back and is flashing me a devilish grin, saying" Remember your promise, my sweet."

*End of Dream*

I awake with a start just as everyone is standing up to shuffle out of the bus, and as usual I take up the back of the line. As usual I was held up and asked if I kept scratching the marks in metal.

As usual, I lied through my teeth and said no. I stepped of the bus and was immediately appalled by the smell of exhaust left behind from the bus.

I step inside of my shitty high school and begin my day.

First period

I stepped in the door of my health room and was stared at until I sat in the back with my two only friends. The first was Alexei, aka Alex, and the second was a guy name Jordan, who was gay.

We thought that, hey just cause we are outcasts doesn't mean we have to be alone. That's how we became friends, plain and simple. Anyway, we spent the rest of the hour drawing Black Butler characters.

Second period

I sat in My English desk and made a list of who I liked the most and who I liked the least, Black Butler wise. I basically was in love with Sebastian and the Undertaker. At the bottom, which is who I hated most,was Lizzie.

As I walked out of second period I looked over at a piece of paper hanging on the wall ,and was surprised that a purple glimmer on it opened to be...A portal? I walk into it and wonder where it's going to lead me.


Hi, If you know people who like Black Butler, please recommend it to them.... thanx :)

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