Chapter 12: Hell in a Dress

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*Annabelle's pov*

I awake to the sleep of piping hot food sitting on my bed side table, and a headache the size of a bowling ball. I sit up and groan as all of the blood rushes from my head.

I reach over and shovel the pancakes into my mouth and I gulp down the tea like an animal. After I act so rudely, I lay down in my bed and snuggle in for a day of sleep.

It seems as if I had only been asleep for a second when Sebastian wakes me up with a frown on his face.

" I've been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes, are you alright?" he sighed in relief at my awakening.

" I just feel sick, that's all."

" I can give you some medication if you would like."

"Yes, please Sebastian."

He walked out of the room and returned minutes later with a small yellow pill and a glass of water. I eagerly take the pill and drink the water, and then I lay back and wait for it to kick in.

Surprisingly, the meds kick in fast and I'm up in no time. I walk out of my room and over to Ceils office. I see him sitting at his desk with a slight grimace on his face.

"Hey Ciel, what are you doing?"

"I'm just working on some last minute paper work before Lady Elizabeth comes over for afternoon tea."

I shriek in terror as he says those words, because Elizabeth is my personal hell in a dress, and I glance at the clock, its eleven, meaning she will be here in five minutes, because that's the time she always arrived in the anime.

I run out of the room like a woman set on fire and I run straight out of the manor. I go over to the forest of conifers near the house and I scramble up one and hide in the branches.

I hear the unmistakable rumble of Lady Elizabeth's carriage and I cover down getting ready for her shrill voice and her constant whining about the level, or lack of, cuteness everyone is in.


I cringe and cover my ears. I feel some one lay their hand on my back.

"You need to climb down the tree and Greer the guest, okay?" Sebastian says.

"No, I don't want to, I already know her and I hate her."

"I can't blame you, but I insist that you go meet her in person."

"Fine, but I won't be nice if that's what your asking." I state, clearly angry.

"Okay,Okay I understand."

I jumped down with Sebastian and we landed slightly awkward, and what I mean by "slightly", I mean I embarrassed myself to no end.

He landed standing like a normal person, while I clinged to his back like a frightened animal. I climbed down from him and brushed myself off, all the while blushing like a mad man.

We made our way to the manor and out into the garden, where Elizabeth always insists they have their afternoon tea. As soon as we enter the garden, the mood changes and intensifies.

"Ciel, who is this girl?" Elizabeth asks.

I can hear the jealousy burning in her voice and I decide to make her a bit uncomfortable. I walk to the table and drape myself on one of the chairs next to Ciel.

I look at her far end of the table and  I place my hand on Ciels head while he grimaces in embarrassment.

"I'm his friend, who the hell are you?" I say.

"I'm his fiancee!" I could see the panic on her face.

"Well nice to meet you...?"

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Midford."

"Oh, well whatever then I'm going to see you later guys, cause I'm going to raid the pantry."

Annabelle, don't you DARE touch my chocolate, you hear me!?" Ciel yells after me.

"Yeah, okay... Do you want anything,Ciel, Sebastian?"

"We fine, malady." Sebastian says behind me.

"Okay." I say and I smile.

I jump into the house and run to the pantry. I find some pastries and some milk and I head back out to the garden. I plop down in the grass to watch everyone go about their duties.

Sebastian is standing behind a sitting Ciel and Mey-Rin is standing by a silver cart serving the tea. Bard is standing to the side, covered in ash from his failed attempt at cooking.

I look around to find Finny. I see him standing on a ladder and the sun streaming on his face through the branches. A soft wind blows his hair in his face and he grins and wipes it away.

He spots me looking at him and he smiles. I smile back and wave, all the while Lady Elizabeth is watching me.

I get up to go put the dishes in the house and I hear Elizabeth get up to. I walk in and she follows me, and I know she's going to try something. I hear her petticoat rustle before she tries to attack me, gigging me time to turn around.

As I face her I see a look in her eye that I never thought would be there, complete and utter anger. I sidestep her attack and grab her by the neck of her waist coat.

I turn her around and see the anger mixing quickly with humiliation.

"Don't worry Elizabeth, I'm only hired a s a maid and to protect Ciel. I suggest you wipe that look off of your face before you go out to talk with Ciel, or he won't think your cute." I say in monotone.

She looks at me as if I'm in new light and she smiles.

"You had me worried... and by the way, I won't tell about you and Finny." She says as she wriggles out of my grasp.

I stand there shocked. Does she actually think that me and Finny are a "Thing" because I looked at him and waved? She must be stupider than she looks, which is saying a lot.

I walk back outside and see everything how it's supposed to be. Lizzie hanging off of Ciel like a coat hanger. Sebastian watching with a grin, Met-Run looking at Sebastian with a blush, Bard still covered in soot, but Finny is no where to be seen.

I feel something graze my hand and I look down at it. It's Finnies hand and it looks like he's hesitating wether or not to grab my hand. He finally decides to and we look across the lawn together, with time suspended and everyone with smiles on their faces.

This is when I realised that these people were my family and that we were going to stick together through thick and thin. I look up at the sky and breath in the summer air.

This is the place I want to live my life, and this is the place I want to die.


Ughh I'm sorry that I didn't update earlier, I was over at my best friends house, so please don't kill me. Anyways, that hand holding action though :D .... I have one thing to ask of everyone. When ans if Annabelle dates someone, should there be sex scenes... Yes or no? anyways, have a good day/night/afternoon My loves.


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