Chapter 5: Cruelty doesnt being to describe this

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I  wake up to Sebastian opening the curtains. I ignore him and snuggle under the cover, never wanting to come out but knowing I had to. As I was just about to get up the cover was yanked off.

I was being whisked up and put down on the floor. Sebastian was cooing in my ear.

"Hold on to the banister, I'm going to put on your corset"

I grip the banister and close my eyes.


I gasp and quickly take in another breath.


"Hold on"

He puts his foot on my back and tells me to take another breath.


  The corset is so tight I can't breathe and I try to tell Sebastian but its painful to even attempt speaking. Im sure my face has turned purple and my eyes are bugging out. My vision is blurring, and weird shiny clouds are dancing across my vision.

I black out.

3 minutes later later

I wake up to a couple of gentle slaps to the face and some shaking. Slowly I lift my head and open my eyes, all the while taking in air  like a starving person.

"Are you okay?"

I just sit there dazed, unable to speak, only breath and let the hot tears roll down my cheeks. He just gently wipes them off and looks at me.

"I need to know, Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay"

He picks me up and places me in the bed and tucks me in.

"Your not going to have to do any work today, alright?"

All I could do was keep from jumping in joy, because to be quite frank, I was dreading my first day of work.

"All I expect from you is to rest in bed for a while, then come meet my master in the drawing room."

"Hey, I thought I only had to sit in bed all day"

"That's the agreement.... you either sit around all day, then see the young Lord, or you get up and work all day, then see the young Lord... either way, it's of no consequence to me"

"Damn, that's cold... Fine I'll meet the master.... but I'm just going to sit around all day... By the way...  Can I have a razor or something, I need to shave... like my legs"

"I'll go get one malady... meanwhile, just lay back and relax"

I just sat in my bed, bored out of my mind... Until I remembered my phone. I pick it up and see that there is about 100 messages and voice mails put together.

I start to listen to the first voice mail.

" Where the fuck are you? I'm giving you 24 hours to get your ass home before I call the fucking-"

"My lady, what are you listening to... and I have retrieved your requested razor."

The voice mail keeps droning on in the background, but I don't look up at Sebastian because I don't want him to see the tears that are in my eyes and on my cheeks.

"My Lady?"

I continue to look down even when Sebastian steps closer and closer. He grips the under part of my chin and tries to tilt my head up, but I won't let him see me. I put my hands over my face and made sure he couldn't see.

He grabs both of my wrists and yanks my hands away from my face, taking in my red eyes and my fat tears.

"Who were you talking to?"

His voice was laced with venom, making me quake in fear. He realised his mistake and tried to calm me down.

"My lady, who made you cry?"

" It doesn't matter... I'm going to take a bath..."

I take the razor out of his hand and stand up and walk to the bathroom. I fill the tub and slip in, hoping to relieve the muscles in between my shoulder blades.

I pick up the razor, which was shaped rather weird. it looked like a knife but different, but either way it will work.

I grip the razor in my hand and slide it across the skin of my thigh, because that's where no one will see it.

I continue until I'm dizzy from the loss of blood.


sorry I didn't update for so long >,< I was just so busy... but I love you all just the same <3

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