Chapter 14: Making Cookies

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*Finnys pov*

As I drew Bell in, I could feel the soft curve of her hips through the night gown. When I pressed my lips against her, I felt as if my world had stopped.

Her mouth was perk and soft, and she tasted of strawberries. I breath in and feel her skin. As I touch her face, I can feel her body lean into mine.

The kiss was soft and sweet, but strong and passionate. I feel my heart pound in my chest as I break the kiss and look into her beautiful eyes.Her eyes were wild and bright and her lips were swollen with kisses.

She had a slight wonder-struck look an her face and a deep blush.

" I fell for him and he caught me." She said almost inaudible.

" I will catch you no matter what." I say.

The look in her eyes tells me it all. She believes me and trusts me with all of her heart. I will never let her down.


*Annabelle's pov*

I wake up and blush as the memories of the night before flood back ok into my mind. His lips so soft and his face so sweet.


The door flies open and in marches Sebastian. His face tells me that he is clearly pissed.

"Did you eat the cookies that were in the cupboard?" he asks angrily.


"Maybe, what type were they?"I ask.

"Chocolate chip!"


"Oh my god, I'm sorry. they were in the cupboard, and usually you put your food that you want to save in a hidden place in your room, so I thought that they were safe to eat." I say,voice laced with regret.

He just sighs and looks at me like he doesn't know what to do with me. I look down in shame and I feel my face get hot.

"If it helps any, I will bake some to make up for it."I say.

"Fine, but get on it, I need them bye the masters bed time." he says and storms out of the room.

I get up and get dressed in a simple blue summer dress, and I go looking for Finny. He helped eat the cookies, so he can help make some. I walk down the halls and into the servants quarters.

As I walked down the hall Mey-Rins door opened and she stepped out. I remember my last conversation with her and I just keep my head down and I keep walking.

I arrive at Finnys door and I knock.

"Come in!" He yells through the heavy oak door.

I walk in and see him laying on his back with his arms behind his head. As soon as he saw me he scrambled up and rushed towards me.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Bell?" he asks, his voice soft.

"Yeah, there is. You remember those cookies we ate last night?Those were Sebastians, and he want us to make new ones, preferably before Ciels bedtime."

"Oh, Okay." He says grinning ear to ear.

I grab his hand and we make our way down to the kitchen. I push open the door a bit to check if anyone was currently using it. No one. I bring Finny in and we set to work.

I write down a recipe my grandma had taught me before she had passed, and I passed the paper to Finny, hoping he could tell me where all of the ingredients are.

"Finny, could you get these ingredients out for me? Pretty please?"

He blushes at my pretty please and he nods.

"Sure, just give me a few moments and you will have them all, Bell."

I set out to work. I looked around the kitchen for all of the utensils I would need. One glass bowl, check. Ingredients, almost there. Spoon, check. Grandma's advice, triple check.

It looks like I have all that I will need so far. I turn and look towards the ingredients. I grab stick of butter and put them into the bowl and I pour a half cup of sugar over that.

I beat them until it was silky and then I added the brown sugar. I beat that and then put in the vanilla extract and a little pitch of salt. I start to whip it until it turns into a brown mush, then I throw in some eggs and a tad bit of cream.

I beat that and then reach for flour. I put in the cups and started to fold it into the flour so didn't get it all over the place when I started to mix. I remembered Finny and I turned to look at him.

He was mesmerized by my cooking. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Hey, do you want to help, cause the dough is getting pretty hard for me to stir." I say.

"Sure... and umm, I thought you had super strength like me." He says.

"I don't know how to turn it off or on... I've only ever managed to use it once." I say, remembering when I punched down trees.

"Oh,Okay I'll stir for you." He says with a smile.

"Here, I'll show you how to stir it so they will turn out soft."

I grab his hand and lead him over to the counter and I stand in front of him, with his arms around me. I slowly take his hands in mine and I show him how to fold the dough in over itself.

After five minutes of this I see that the dough is still moiste, so I reach over to get some flour to sprinkle on it.

I put some on the dough and the I suddenly cover it with a nearby apron to protect it from what I was about to do. I grabbed a little bit of flour and throw it on Finnys chest.

He looked at me like, game on, and so it was. We were throwing around flour and laughing whenever it got on our faces.

Then Finny pulled me close. I realized he had a little bit of cookie dough on his finger. He put it on my lips, and before I could catch up with what he was doing, he kissed me.

It tasted of chocolate and romance. I leaned in, as if I would die without getting more. I wanted to stay there in his arms forever. I put my hands in his hair in an effort to pull myself closer to him.

And then the kitchen door opened.


OMG OMG OMG!!! Who is it that just walked in on such a passionate kiss? Lol tell me what you guys think :3 cause I always love hearing your opinions, they make me happy. Any who, just tell me in the comments below who you think walked in, and why they walked in. Thanks, and I hope to update again soon.


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