Chapter4:Are you Kidding Me

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I awoke to the sweet sound of music tinkling it's way up the stairs, and waltzing around and around my room. Quickly I got dressed in my jeans and t-shirt.

I followed the sound to Ciels study and stepped in. I was shocked to see Ciel and Sebastian waltzing around the room, small grimaces played on their faces.

When the phonographs song ended I clapped for the both of them. Turning to the phonograph,then me Sebastian said" Annabelle, I think I have a promise to keep? But first we must get you into appropriate clothes."

looking down at my clothes,the to Sebastian,  I say" What's wrong with them... it's not like their dirty."

"A proper lady always wears dresses, and if my master says you must wear a dress, you will wear a dress,Annabelle."

"You can just call me Anna..."

"fine but we must go get a dress for you"


                                                                                                  2 hours later

I'm running down the hall trying to escape Sebastian and the dreaded corset. I mean, I'm fine with the light blue gown he picked out for me, in fact I'd be HAPPY to wear it.... just without the corset.

I keep running until I get to the kitchen, then I hide in one of the cupboards. I'm breathing normally when I hear someone enter the room. I hold my breath and close my eyes.

I hear the footsteps get closer and closer, and they stop right in front of my cupboard. I peek my eyes open and watch the little door swing open. Standing there is an angry Sebastian holding a very scary corset.

He picked me up by the waist and hauled me to my room. I had given up in defeat about half way there and just hung limp in his grip. When we got there, he set me down and told me to slip off my shirt.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me, take off your shirt."


"Because,  I have to put the corset on you..."

"Can't I do it myself?"

"No, it requires me to lace up the back."


I slip off my shirt and hold my breath. Sebastian has it fitted around me within seconds and tells me to hang onto the bed post.

I hang on tight, then gasp at the feeling of my ribs and stomach being compressed into nothingness. I felt as if I was being turned into a chunk of stiffness around my waist area.

I looked down and saw that my breasts looked a bit larger, my stomach a bit smaller, all around a nice effect except for the not being able to breathe fully.

I stand up perfectly straight and put on a small grimace.

" Am I supposed to not be able to breathe?"

All I got in response was a small smile and a soft chuckle. Sebastian grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs. Sebastian lead me down and turned on the phonograph.

A beautiful sonnet slipped out of the horn, the sound unearthly. My waist and hand was seized and soon my feet were on top of Sebastians, waltzing their way across the room.

"I thought I was getting taught to dance, not getting towed around on your feet"

Suddenly my feet were on the ground moving around on their own, although only slightly clumsy.

" My, my. Seems as if you didn't need my help in the first place,seeing you are already a marvellous dancer."

I blushed and just looked down, embarrassed I was actually praised for being good at something. When I was with my mother, if I did something other than clean up after her well, I was beaten.

The worst night was when I brought home a ribbon for my singing talents. The shiny blue ribbon had read"1st place". I had marched home with a smile on my face.

I had walked straight through the door and tiptoed up to her and handed her the ribbon. Biggest mistake of my life. She took a glance at the ribbon then beckoned me forward.

I thought she was going to say she was proud of me, so I had a big smile on my face. She looked at me with a lack of interest and slapped me on the face.

I fell to the floor, crying while she kicked my ribs and stomach.

At the memory of this, a single tear slides it's way down my face. Many follow suit. Sebastian lifts my face to his and notices the tears, which he quickly rubs away.

Why is he so nice to me?


Okay... I need your feedback should I continue? or not? suggest it to fellow black butler fans... pm me if you want to suggest anything... thanks :3

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