Chapter 18: Disaster and Alex go Hand in Hand

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*Alexs pov*

I wake up to another day in paradise, and I have no intention of wasting it. I quickly hop out of bed and get dressed.

I run down the hall and slide in my socks, which causes me to trip on the stairs carpeting, falling down face first.

I let out a shriek of laughter as I tumble down a few steps before I right myself. I feel a bit sore, but it won't matter much in the long run.

I trot down the rest of the stairs with a silly grin, thankful no one saw or heard my silly escapade.

I launch myself into the kitchen, where Bard is pouting in the corner while Sebastian is whipping up one of his fabulous meals.

I creep over to the Corner where Bard is and I just stare at him through the corner of my eye. I see him glance back at me every now and then, which gives me mini heart attacks.

After a while he is just full blown staring at me, which makes it look like I'm having a seizure .

"You're that one creepy girl from yesterday,right?" He asks me.

Instantly I'm crushed.

"Well, my name is Alex, not that-one-creepy-girl." I huff.

He just looks at me for a moment before he shrugs and puts a trademark cigarette in his mouth.

I slink over to the counter and peer into a dish. It looks like some sort of pastry. Sebastian looks up quick just as I reach my finger out for a taste test.

He slaps my hand away and moves the dish closer to him. I pout and head out of the kitchen, seeing that nobody really wants me there.

I walk out to the garden and see my little Annabelle sitting alone on one of the benches. I run/skip/have a spaz attack towards her.

I still can't believe that I'm here, in the anime world. I felt as if I was drowning in the normal world,nowhere to run and my oxygen tuning out rapidly.

But when Belle brought me here, it was as if my eyes were open for the first time. I could sit back and just breathe.

Belle looks up at me and grins that beautiful big grin of hers.

"Hey girlie." I say to her.

"Hey." She says.

I pull her up using both my hands and I give her a little shake.

"We're here. We made it, just like we always said we would." I say,suddenly tearing up.

"I know, this is amazing and crazy, and all around the best thing that could ever happen." She says fierce with emotion.

We just grip on each other for a while while we try and compose ourselves. After a while we are both dealing fine, and I just start hoping around her in tiny bird hops.

"Wow, why so serious." She teases.

I ruffle her hair and drag her along behind me.

"Where we going?" She yells as I run full speed towards the forest.

"I don't know." I yell back and laugh into the bright sunlight. We stop at the edge of the forest. I climb up a tree and look out over the lawn.

The estate is gorgeous, the lawns so green it almost hurt to look at them. The roses beauty was immeasurable, and the mansion stood there in all of its glory.

I had a perfect view of the study's large window, I squint a bit and raise my hand over my eyes to keep out the sun. Ciel is sitting at his desk, pushing around some of that pastry on a plate.

Dang, I wanted some of that. I'll just have to see if there is any left for me when I get back inside.

Suddenly Belle pats me on the back to try and get my attention and I lurch forward and start to fall. She tries to catch me by the back of my hoodie but fails. She starts screaming for help as I plummet towards the earth.

I feel something rock hard beneath me and all of the air gets knocked out of my lungs. I open my eyes and see Sebastian staring down at me with his cold eyes.

"Are you alright miss Alex?" He says in his deep voice.

"Yeah..." I wheeze out as I clamber out of his arms.

I stand there for a moment,struggling to breathe. My back is in immense pain. I try to stand straight and I fall to the ground, the pain making the edges of my vision go black.

"Just let me lay it out." I say as I lay myself down on the grass.

"I'm sorry, but I mustn't let you lay there. You need medical attention." He states as he picks me up and starts running towards the mansion.

I sit there, dumbstruck at how fast we are going. This is what it must have been like when Bella was on Edwards back. I crack a grin at the Twilight reference and slump in his arms.

Now that I'm not falling from a tremendous bight, they are actually kinda comfy.

We arrive in my room and he quickly lays me down and leaves. I sit there wondering what is going to happen, that is until he comes busting back into the room.

With him he carries a doctors bag. I gulp.

"Uhh, I don't think the doctor is here yet, shouldn't we wait for him?" I ask.

"Don't be silly, I know what I'm doing." He says with a mischevios grin.

I don't like the looks of this.

Hey guys, I'm finally back for good, and I hope your ready for me to start updating again. I was lost not being able to write on this story. I feel like I've found my purpose again :3. I want to thank each and every one of you for sticking with me for this.

Ps I heard from a couple little birds that some of you would like for a fight to come up between Belle and Finny, and then for Belle to date Sebby for a while?

Tell me what you think in the comments. For now, have a good Morning/Afternoon/Night!

(Goodness I missed saying that)

Love,CRaZyPiCKleS123 <3

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