Chapter 10: Returning Home

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*Annabelle's pov*

Maybe I shouldn't have been so cocky when I said that, because now whenever Sebastian is around me, he is cold and hostile. Oh well, it's not like we were even friends in the first place.

I think that I should maybe try apologising or giving him something to show that I'm not threatening him, or the young Lord. But what does Sebastian like besides cats? I think I will just get him a kitten then.

"I'm going out, I'll be back in an hour." I state loud enough for Sebastian and Ciel to hear, who are sitting in the next room.

"Then someone has to go with you, Ms. Suicide." Sebastian says.

"Damn, that's cold. I think I'll take Finny, because me and him haven't had any time together and I want to get to know him better."

"Fine, but if you aren't back in an hour, I will find you and we'll have a rematch, that is if you haven't killed yourself."

"Bye then, ass wipe" I say and then skip out of the room.

I don't get why he has to rub my nose into my attempted suicide, I mean, That's an ass move right there.

I go and stand at the bottom of the main halls stairs and call for Finny.


I hear scrambling on the steps and look up in time to see him trip and come flying at me. I brace my self for the impact and hold out my arms to try and catch him, and soften our fall.

Just as I expected he came crashing into me and knocked all of the breath out of my lungs. We landed with a loud "Oof". I push Finny off me and sit up.

"Wow, you actually weigh a lot, I thought you were going to be lighter than that." I wheeze out.

"I-I-I'm so sorry, please forgive me!"

Finny scrambles off of me and hides his face from me. I walk over to him and give him a small hug.

"It's okay, it was only an accident" I smile and link arms with him and lead him out of the house.

"So, Annabelle, where are we going?"

"We are going to get a kitten for Sebastian, because I don't want him to be mad at me... "

"Oh... Why is he mad at you?"

"Because I have some weird super power thinger that makes me faster and stronger than him." I mumble, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Wow, sounds really cool!" He says with a grin.

*Finnys pov*

I never noticed how fragile Ms. Annabelle was before I landed on her. Now that we are sitting across from each other inside of the carriage, I notice just how slender she is.

She has such a small waist and itty bitty hands and feet. She resembles a porcelain doll, with her long eyelashes and curly hair, also with her delicate voice and cute laugh.

Wait, What am I thinking? I can barley trim trees, yet I am sitting so close to a delicate woman. What if while we are out shopping, I hurt her, or worse? How would I live with myself?

I shift uncomfortably and avert my eyes, as if just looking at her will hurt her, even though she just stated how strong and fast she is.

I brush my hair out of my face and put a smile on. Even though I am worried I want her to have a good time and enjoy herself.

"Do you know where we are going to get the kitten? I was also wondering.... If you wanted one for your own." I look down kinda embarrassed.

"I don't know if I'm allowed to have pets, or anything of the likes to be honest" She says as the carriage comes to a stop.

We climb out and start heading around, asking people if they know where we could get kittens. One woman said that she had some because her cat had managed to get knocked up.

" Okay, that will be good. When can we stop by and see them, because we are links of in a hurry." I ask.

" My house is just across the street if you want to take a look now."

We follow her across the street and into an apartment complex, and we follow her up the stairs and through a door.

She leads us through her apartment and into a small room with a bed and a small cardboard box underneath the bed. She drug it out from under the bed and what we saw surprised me.

The kittens were such beautiful colours and had such soft, long fur. Annabelle started to pick some of them up, until she saw the one.

It was a pitch black ball of fur, with beautiful golden eyes shining dimly in the poor lighting. She picked it up and held it to her face, and as she did, it mewed with such a small, high voice.

" Finny, you have the hold her, she is so soft and cute." She said as she held the kitten out to me.

"Uhh, I don't think I should." I say uncertainly.


She put the kitten in my hands and she gently put her hands on mine to show me how to cup the kitten so she wouldn't fall.

I think.... that I might be falling for Annabelle.

*Annabelle's pov*

We take two kittens, The black one, and a fluffy dark gray one with white paws and blue eyes. I muzzle them against my chest as I carry them out to the carriage and I set them on the floor gently.

I take off my overcoat and lay it down as a makeshift bed for the kittens.I place them on the coat and they instantly go to sleep.

"Finny, what's the matter?"


" Don't give me that crap, I can see on your face that somethings bugging you."

"I-I was only worried that I would hurt you or the kittens.... that's all."

Finny gave me a half smile to reassure me. I grabbed his hand and looked into his soft blue eyes.

" Never worry about hurting me."

With a lurch we stop and I'm glad that we have finally returned home.


Sorry for being gone so long... I was grounded. But who doesn't love a naughty author? Anyways I will work on the next chapter and release it very soon.

P.S. should I post a picture of me along with the next chapter?

Any who, I will see you in the loony bin....BYE!!! °3° *mmmwha*

Sorry that's my best kiss noise :1

bye :3

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