Chapter 6: A Day of Leisure

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After I got out of the bath and put bandaids on my thighs, I sat in my bed... and did nothing. I never really knew how boring that was until now. I think I should get up and do some work.

I got up out of my bed and put on a sundress, careful to avoid over exerting my ribs. After about 10 minutes I had my dress on and some shoes. I opened up my door with caution, hoping that neither the young lord nor Sebastian could hear me.

I carefully walked down to the servants quarters and looked for Mey-Rin, thinking that she would most likely need my help the most. I found her in the kitchen stacking plates, and luckily there was no Sebastian around. I slipped my way into the kitchen and made my way over to her. I guess I may have moved to fast and startled her because dishes went flying everywhere.

I ran and did my best to catch all of the plates, which is almost impossible if your not a smexy demon butler. I had a hard time but I managed not to let a single plate fall, and I tried not to make a lot of noise but sadly I failed at that.

I heard  someone come through the door so I turned around and looked to see who it was. It was a very panicked looking Finny and a calm and collected Bard. I blushed bright red and set down all the plates on the counter and smoothed out my dress.

"Hey... Your that girl Sebastian found lurking around outside yesterday... What are you doing here?"

"Finny, I was hired by the young master and I am completing some of my duties... now why don't you and Bard go and prepare for the guest that's coming tonight... His name was Mr.Damiano I belive. Mey-Rin, I'll be helping you out with the dishes and other preperations for tonight."

"W-What? How do you know all of our names.... Oh, wait I get it. The young master must have informed you of it.... well, come on Bard lets get going."

I let out a breath and turned to Mey-Rin.

"You know, for having been an assassin in your past, you have bad hand-eye coordination... I think we need to work on that."

 She turned to me with a fierce yet frightened expression on her face.

"Who are you exactly and what do you want with the young master? What are you planning, Hmmm?"

"You really want to know why the earl hired me? I know all of your pasts, presents, and future. I know all of the earls dirty little secret, and everyone elses within this manor... I am a formidable foe but an excellent ally and you just happen to have me as an ally."

She turned around and stayed silent for a long time. after a while she turned back to me and said.

"We need to get started if we want to get all of this done."

Silent, I obeyed her orders and started putting away dishes quickly and quietly. After all of the dishes were put away, Mey-Rin dismissed me and I went out into the garden to think. I walked past all of the rose bushes and headed straight to the tallest tree I could find.

I slipped myself up onto the first branch and steadily clambered my way up the tree. When I was at the highest point I could go, I sat and relaxed against the tree. I thought about my friends and my mother and how they were all missing me for different reasons.

My friends would most likely miss me because of my humour and sweetness and my mother would miss me as her slave and her punching bag.

I just sat there crying for a while until I heard a carriage pull up. I look over and see that it is no other than Mr.Damiano.

I felt rather bad that I knew what was going to happen tonight, but it was happening for a good reason, or so I told myself. I slipped down and out of the tree and ran into my room to make myself presentable.

I put the cute, frilly maid outfit Sebastian gave me for this evening. I would be the one pouring the wine and other beverages. Once I had my outfit on, I went to the study and stood dutifully beside the door incase if they called for my services.

 After about 16 minutes Mr.Damiano hailed me over and asked for a bit of wine, I turned and looked at the young master to see if he wanted anything.he shook his head in a small way telling me he wanted nothing.

When I was walking over to the wine glasses and the tray of wine I overheard Mr.Damiano say how I was such a good looking maid.

I shuddered at the thought and went and retrived the wine and walked back over to him. I handed him the wine and turn to go stand by the door. While i turned he gave my butt a little slap and laughed.

I blushed and was angry at him for doing such a thing to me, so I decided to get payback. I stood by the door and came up with my plan. It was perfect.

 I smiled and waited to be told to go outside on the patio. After about 9 more minutes Sebastian came in and told us that dinner was ready and was awaiting being eaten. I walked out and took my place and stood next to Sebastian.

The dinner went smoothly except for every time I had to serve the guest he would touch me in suggestive ways, and every time I would think of my revenge plan.

After the dinner was done they went back into the drawing room and I followed. I stood near the door, and thank god, I didn't have to serve any more drinks to that dirty old man.

After a while he asked to use the phone. i smiled and stood around some more. After an half hour of waiting I was dismissed. I smiled and ran out of the door and down the stairs. I layed in wait on the road, where i knew he would walk by, when he was all burnt up.

 I waited and he came, just as I knew he would. He stank of burnt flesh and wasted tears. I walk out onto the road and waited for him to notice me. When he did he called for help. I walked to his chared body and kicked him right in the ribs.

" I am not just a slut that you can poke and prod as you please. Now apologize and wait for my judgement."

I listened as he spouted out one apology after another. and everytime a new one came out I got angrier and angrier.

"CEASE YOUR BABBLING. I will not have for your petty excuses. i will now pass judgement."

I put my hands on the side of his face and slammed his head on the road. Then i took out a knife i had snuck out of the kitchen. I placed the blade against his cheek and cut a word into his face.


The second I was done, I went back to my room with a huge smile on my face.


sorry that i haven't updated in a long time, so i made up for that with this extra juicy chappie.... lol as i always say, if you know anyone who would like this book, recommend it to them and also vote and comment.... thank you so much for supporting me <3

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