Chapter 19: Disater and Alex go hand in hand pt.2

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Alex's pov

I try to wiggle my way away from Sebastian as he gets closer to me with his stethoscope. I know what happens when boys and girls play doctor, and most of the time it doesn't end pretty.

He grabs both of my hands in one of his large ones.

"If you would stop struggling this would be much easier on the both of us!" he says with exasperation clear in his voice.

I go limp, giving in to the inevitable defeat. I mean, really, who expects me to win against a demon? And who could win?

I give my head a gentle shake and he continues with his work.

He places the stethoscope and his hand gently on my right breast, and he listens to my heart beat.

I blush and I become embarrassed, which my traitor heart tells to Sebastian right away.

He smiles, because he knows I'm uncomfortable, and then he leans closer to me.

My heart starts to race even faster. What happened to the cold Sebastian I knew? This one is much to nice to be him.

Plus, I didn't have a crush on the other one.

I close my eyes and hope he goes away before I do or say anything that I regret.

I can smell his intoxicating smell come closer to me, like a mix of all the best things in the world rolled into one.

I can feel him start to lean away from me, and I let out a sigh of relief.

I open my be yes to see that he has his back turned to me and that he is rooting around in the doctor bag.

I try to sit up, but the back of my ribs hurt like hell. I lay back down quickly, just as Sebastian looks back at me, gauze and medical tape in hand.

"Lift up your shirt."

"Excuse me?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"I said,Lift up your shirt."

I stare at him with blush burning in my cheeks. I grab the hem of my shirt and raise it to just below my bra.

"A little higher please." he says.

By now my face is on fire and I am having the most embarrassing moment of my life.

I do as he asks and I lift it higher, over my black lace bra. He looks at me for a second before unfurling the gauze and begin wrapping my ribs.

his fingertips brushes my skin occasionally, and they felt like red hot coals being held against my skin.

I feel him start to wrap the medical tape around my ribs, squishing them back into place.

I give out a groan of pain as they start to pop back into place. Sebastian stops winding me up and looks at me.

He gets a smirk on his face and then he keeps going. His hands are reaching lower on my ribs, meaning that he is almost done.

As he winds the last bit and cuts it carefully he starts giving me directions for caring for myself.

"Don't bend over, dont lift anything heavier than ten pounds, and try not to move around as much, okay?" He says.

"Fine, I guess." I say like a pouting five year old who doesn't get what they want.

He turns and starts walking away. I decide to stand up and go lay in Bells room for a while.

As soon as I stand up, I can feel my ribs burn with pain. I fall to my knees and then onto my hands, each fall sending a jolt of pain through my body.

Sebastian is here all of a sudden, helping me up.

" I guess your not as strong as I thought you would be, I guess I'll have to carry you around until you get stronger." he says.

I feel sick all of a sudden.

How am I supposed to live around Sebastian, if I can't stand 10 minutes with him? Every time he touches me, its like shocks running through my skin?

I'm in for a hell of a time.

Hey you guys :D sorry I haven't been posting, I have a lot on my plate. what did you think of this new chapter, good? bad? dog crap on a platter? tell me below in the comments what you thought and what I can do to improve the story.

And I can't believe we are past 15k, that's just unbelievable. I never thought I could write a story that would get even 1 read.

thank you all so much ;)

PS first to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them :p

good morning/afternoon/night

love, CRaZyPiCKleS123 <3

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