Chapter 17: A Friendly Surprise

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*Annabelles pov*

We said goodbye to my mother, and then set out to find my friends. I grab my cell phone and tell them to go to Alex's house. I rush over there and there they are.

standing there impatiently and so perfect in that moment. They take a look at me and rush me, tears in their eyes. They just grab me and hold me.

I start to cry when they embrace me. I hold on to their arms and cry into them. After 5 minutes of us holding each other, I straighten up and clear my throat and wipe my eyes.

I grab Finnys hand and pull him forward.

"Guys, this is Finnian, the one from Black Butler." I say sheepishly.

They sit there quietly for a moment before they break out into fan girl mode. Alex started screaming random nonsense while  Jordan kept telling Finny he wants to rape him.

I put Finny behind me until the beasts decided to calm down.

"Guys, you are kinda creeping him out with the talk of raping him and whatever else you were saying." I wave my hand in their direction." please calm down and be civil." I wink at them.

"oh God, oh God, oh God... is this really you?" Jordan says as he tugs on Finnys hair.

Up until this point Finny had been quite and shy, but right now he decided it was important to communicate with my friends.

"Uhh, yeah, why wouldn't I be real..." He says nervously.

"Are you a cosplayer? Are you and Annabelle playing a prank on us?" Alex butts in.

"No, I'm not a cosplayer and I'm pretty certain that we aren't playing a trick."He says.

"Hey cool it guys, anyways how have my two favourite children's been while I've been away." I ask.

They started to blather at the same time about the same things, so it was very easy to understand.

The entire town had conducted a search for me in the first week I had been gone. Then they had started to lose hope. by the third week, they lost all hope and had gone into a kind of weird mourning stage.

My mother had been desperately trying to find me, and she even contacted the FBI in hopes to find me. They couldn't help anymore than everyone else.

They finished this story by telling me how much they missed me. They prayed everyday that I would at least come to visit.

"Oh God, guys I am so sorry that I left and didn't say anything. Is there anyway I can make it up?" I ask.

It is silent for a second, then they look at each other and get a grin. I look at them and try to figure out what they wanted. Then it hit me,I knew what they were going to ask for.

"Annabelle, we want to go to their world, to the world of Black Butler." They say in unison.

"Guys, how long would you stay there?" I question.

"As long as you do." Alex says while Jordan nods.

I turn and look at Finny, who's been unusually quite. He is smiling.

"I think you should let them, I don't want you to cry anymore." he said while he dragged me into his arms.

I nestled my face in his chest and looked up at his eyes. He looked down at me with such love and kindness. I raise my head and give him a quick peck on the lips, to show him I care.

I hear the gasps from behind me. Alex and Jordan are staring at me like I'm a four headed unicorn shitting out skittles.

"What?" I ask confused.

"WHEN DID YOU BECOME A THING???" Alex shrieks at the top of her lungs.

"Oh, I thought you guys knew by the way we're always touching. Anyways we've been together for about two and a half weeks now."I say while clutching Finnys hand.

They looked at me and then Alex spoke.

"Bring me there now, I want to find my love." She says, her eyes distracted and distant.

"Me too." Chimes in Jordan.

I sigh and look into there eyes."Okay, grab on to me." I say.

They grab on eagerly and I concentrate on the manor, my room specifically.

We're there in a flash and that's when the screaming starts. Alex is prancing around my room screaming about how awesome she looks while Jordan talks about how nice it is to be home.

I get what he means. Even when I didn't live here, I had always considered the anime world to be my home. I grin at the both of them and then The door opens.

Sebastian storms in and takes in the scene. He smiles at me and then looks at both of my guests wearily.

*Alex's pov*

  When Sebastian entered the room I took one look at him and seriously thought he was going to kill me and Jordan. I run over to Annabelle and hide behind her.

She looks at me and smiles, and I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be reassuring. I step out from behind her and I run past Sebastian and into the hall.

I run to the kitchen and bust in there. I see Bard cooking with his blow torch and I loose it. I start to fan girl hard core.

"LOVE ME!" I scream and then run away.

probably not the best approach in the book, but it's all me.

Can't wait to see what the future brings.


Hey guys, I've been sick and bogged down with school, so I'm super duper sorry that I didn't update earlier. I want you all to know that I love you;) but not in the creepy way, in the without and reader kind of way. I want your opinions and feed back, cause I've hit a bit of a rut in my writing. Anyways, have a good morning/afternoon/night.


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