Chapter3:Fun Times

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Excited, I lay down in my bed for the night and flip on my phone. I text Alex telling her to Skype me.

"Skype me immediately..."

I waited a couple minutes and was surprised I even got a response.

" Ok but you have to tell me where you disappeared to today."

" Ok, I will"

I open up my Skype and get ready for her incoming call. Sure enough I get it and flip it on immediately.

I shriek when I see my camera corner. I was a total anime ball of cuteness.

Alex looked at me and said.

" Whoa where did you get an app to make you look anime... what's it called, cause I want it"

" Ummm... I kind of am stuck in a Black Butler dream world.... would you like to see Sebastian?"

"No way... and yes I would like to see your cosplayer."

" It's not a cosplayer and hold on... okay?"

I step out of my bed and turn on the flashlight feature on my IPhone. I face the camera so she could see the mansion while I walked through it. I walk towards the room I know Sebastian will be in.

I see him sitting in a chair. He looks up at me and his pupils dilate from looking at my flashlight. He stands up and waltzes over to me and asks.

"Annabelle, what are you doing out of bed, and what is that infernal contraption you are pointing at my face."

In the background you can hear Alex freaking out and asking Sebastian  so many questions.

" I... Ummm..... Was looking for you, Bassy."

With a sigh he asks"Why?"

"Because I my friend to see you"

I flipped it so he could see Alex freaking out. He gingerly grabbed it and looked closer.

" What is this?"

"An iPhone....."

He handed it back without further question and I told Alex I would call her tomorrow then hung up on the protesting girl. I looked over at Sebastian and blink.

I smile sheepishly and offer my apologies.

" Sorry, Bassy boy, I'm going to sleep now."

I return to the guest room and take out my phone to flip through my Black Butler pics that I downloaded from the internet.

The first was one of Ciel drinking his tea. I kept flicking through them until I came to one of a shirtless Sebastian. I blush a deep red when I hear the clearing of one's throat.

" It would seem you have some photographs of me on that...iPhone."

I blush a deeper red, ashamed of being caught.

" It would seem so.... Sebastian, can I ask you something?"

Sighing he answers" Yes?"

"Could you teach me to dance tomorrow?"

" I could try to fit it in miss, now goodnight"


"Goodnight.... I know who Jack the Ripper is by the way."

"Really, well so do I, it's."

"No, it's Madam Red.... And Grell too. Night"

With that I flipped over and pretended to fall asleep. It was a couple minutes before he stepped out. After he was gone I sat up and resumed looking at pictures.

  The next one left me speechless. It was the white haired man... The Undertaker.


If you know a Black Butler  fan please tell them about this story. Thanx ;)
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