Traped in my spiderweb

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Reader's prov.

I walked through the halls of the DWMA. Glaring at anyone who dared to look at you and smirking under your bangs when they turned in fear. I entered the cafeteria and got something to eat well everyone was to afraid to even look at me. Until I heard the intercom go off. (Name) Akunin report to the Death Room. I repeat (name) report to the Death Room. I got up and headed that way. After all the twist and turns I made it to a large wooden door. I pulled it open and made my way to the center of the room.

Kid's prov.

Kid can you do me a favor? Father asked. Yes what is it father? I questioned. I want you to help me with a problem. He awnsered. What kind of problem? I asked but it appeared before an answer was givin. (Name) Akunin walk into the room. She looked at us and bowed to my father. Lord Death. Where the only words that left her mouth. Kid I want you to take on a mission. Father told me. This mission is just to see if we need to send someone out there, don't attack unless attacked. I understand anything else? I said ready to leave as soon as I could. Yes two more things, one (name) is going to be your guide and , two you are not to take Liz or Patty. Do you understand me. As father said this his voice got very grim. If you do then the mission will fall to pieces. I understand. I replied. The his voice turned back to that silly voice as he said. You leave today and have fun.  


I was about to walk out of the Death Room after hearing about a mission I was taking when Lord Death held me back from leaving to grab my things for the ride there. (Name) wait a minute I have something I want to talk to you about. He called. Yes my Lord what would you like to talk about. I replied. I understand you don't trust people and you only listen to me because of your time with the witches and kishin so you think of me and Stein as your Masters, but I am warning you if you harm him in any way then you well become an enemy of the DWMA. Lord Death growled at me. Yes I get don't harm your little boy blah blah all that crap. I replied. Well bye. I waved as I left to get my stuff and meet kid at the park where Lord Death instructed.

After gathering my stuff and met Kid in the middle of the park just as planned but something was off. On thats it I've heard about these he was a few seconds away from having a fit and I was going to help him there with a question everyone asked. Hey Death the Kid why is there three strips on one side of your head but not the other? I asked and my guess was right on spot. He broke down into a fit of hitting his fist on the ground. Your right I'm asymmetrical garbage. He shouted. It took about a few minutes before he calmed down and stopped killing the ground. Hey kid its 8:09 and it takes a few days to get their by bus or train. We also missed the only plane for the rest of the day unless you want to hop from plane to plane. Come one let just take a bus to the nearest train station. He grumbled well stomping away. I walked behind him to the bus stop.  

Kid's prov.

I entered the manor to pack only to be stopped by Liz and Patty. Where were you school got out hours ago. I was talking to my father about a mission I am going to be taking.... I said. Oh well but why didn't he want to talk to us about it? Liz demanded. Well he want it to be a covert mission and ..... I paused. And what. Liz said.  He wants (name) to be my guide. I said quietly so no one would here. What did you say. Liz asked.  I said that (name) is going to be my guide on the mission. I answered. You mean the (name) the one who beat Black Star up for making a comment about her wearing to many coats when Its over 100 degrees outside  she also made it look easy. Liz shrieked and went on about all the things shes done, along with her nick names she got. I grabbed my things and left

I woke up to an creepy silence in the  train car. I looked around to see a sound asleep (name). She looked so cute when shes asleep thats when I noticed a scar running down the side of her neck. It was only visible when she laid her head on the side of the car chair and her hair was pushed back behind her ear. I got up to get a closer look when she spook. Do not stare unless you want to be blind. She said. I though you where asleep. I muttered. And so did my last victim but now he can think no more. She smiled at the thought. I backed away and retreated for my seat. I'll just wait until shes not threatening to pull out my eyes to ask about the scar. After that I didn't sleep to make sure that nothing happened to me. When the car stop (name) got up and walk out into a small town like nothing happened that could make any soul shiver.

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