A funeral for the unknown

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(Name)'s prov.

Its been two days since the fight and I'm making my way back to town. It was dark out and frost was still thick in the air. I was jumping from roof top to roof top. I was looking down on a little group of people mostly adults and on kid around my age. They where crying. Then one spoke out. I'm going to miss you (name) you where the best student anyone could have. It was Stein that screw head. They think I'm dead? I looked in the open coffin and saw my shadow puppet. No no this can't be happening. I fled in terror not knowing what to do I went home and collected some clothing so no one would notice that stuff was missing. I put on my coat and fled away from Death City only leaving a note behind.

Kid's prov.

No one understood my pain. No one had been close to her like I had. I sat alone all the time. Even when I was around people I was alone. I walked around town not knowing what to do. Stein was right I think love is stupid. Anytime I have someone I love they die. I'm through with love. I looked down at the ground letting my hair cover my eyes. I was walking to no where hoping no one would see me. Why did it have to be (name)? I looked up and to see where I had walked. It was (name)'s apartment building. I ran inside and up to her room I pull out her key I had found. I entered her house. It was as if she was still here. I walked around looking through her house when I found a letter. It was on her kitchen table in the middle. I picked it up. In neat penmanship it read.

To: Death the Kid

From: (Name) Akunin

I opened the small envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. I read what she had written.

Kid I know I may be gone but I'll always be there to protect you as long as you never forget about me. You'll be ok so think of me when if ever your afraid. No matter what happened as long as you remember the time we spent together. Those times will never fade. One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you'll remember but until then never forget. Kid if you ever feel alone just remember I love you. If you ever need a reminder sing this song. It was something my mother taught to me:
Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
The times come to play
Here in my garden of shadow
Follow, sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrow
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions
Hush now dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and deception
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet
Come little children
The times come to play
Here in my garden of shadows.

With love

As I read the paper I almost broke down in tears. She wasn't as oblivious as she once was. Yet I still am. Whats wrong with me. (Name). Why did you have to leave me. I could almost hear her. It was like the first time we met all over again.

Hey Death the Kid why is there three strips on one side of your head but not the other? (Name) asked.

Do not stare unless you want to be blind. She said. I though you where asleep. I muttered. And so did my last victim but now he can think no more. (Name) smiled at the thought.

She threaten me then protected me. Now I'm left to protect myself but if I never forget (Name) then she well aways be there for me.

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