The battle that will afect more than one

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(Name)'s prov.

I was closing in on my mom's lair. According to the info I got from an old friend my mom was behind it all. So if I make sure my mom stays dead then I will have fixed the problem. It hard to find things though when your hunting the witch of shadows in a place of shadows. I came to a place that match the description of her lair . This is it.

Kid's prov.

I felt a sudden sense of clarity hit me like a truck. I looked around my room trying to remember what was happening. What was I doing? Where am I? Oh yes I was adjusting the symmetry of the room and I'm at home. So that clears that up. But something is off what was it. I couldn't quit place it. I looked out the window thats what it was I'm all alone in this world. (Name) had been missing for almost a year. Everyone else hated me. I bet this is how (name) always feels.

(Name)'s prov.

I entered the lair I spent no time trying to hide she already knew I was here. Hello child. She said. What do you need? I need to kill me. I said tears streaming down my face. Of course. She smiled. Anything for my daughter. When she got ready to cut my neck. I stabbed my dagger threw her thigh and watch as she grasped the bleeding wound. Well she was down I stabbed it threw her heart but that was just the beginning of the fight. With her last deathly breath she ran my arm straight through with a dagger of shadows. Then she smiled. Its not that easy to kill me. I kicked her through a wall before running around behind her. I got ready to stab her but in mid air she turned and at the same time we both ran each other through. Bleeding out I watched as my mother's body turned into a purple soul floating in the air. I fell to the ground in pain and agony. Then I closed my eyes. I hoped that I wasn't losing to much blood. If Kid's mind had been restored then he would be fine again. Then I remembered one problem I may have killed her but her followers are still out there. I opened my eyes and tried to move. I got up off the floor and slowly limped with my hand over my wound towards the exit of her lair.

Kid's prov.

It was a nice day. I was outside under a tree. I was searching my memory and replaying all the times I had been with (name). They where all good times and I still had many unanswered questions for her. What was with those scars, why did she want to leave that town so fast, why did Tia call (name) her daughter, who was (name) really, and how was that song going to help me now. I got up and headed home. I opened the door and quietly went up stairs hoping no one knew that I was here. I went up stairs and packed some of my thing. I opened the window and quietly flew off on my skateboard. Only leave a note telling them I was going to find (name) and make things right.

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