Blood in a waterfall of misery

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Kid's prov.

I jumped of the side of the cliff and sent myself hurling towards (name). (Name). I shouted with my only response was the arrows the impaled my sholder. I reached (name) and grabbed her wast placing myself between her and the water. Only to feel a sticky liquid soak through my suit. I felt the cold water soaking me on impact. I watched the arrows race in after us. I dragged us deeper to evade their reach. I noticed the blood floating through the water. If (name) stays in here much longer she may die. I swam as far away from the water fall as I could before I carried (name) bridal style to shore and laid her limp body against a tree. The amount of blood on her hoodie was troublesome. I had to do my best to try and stop it. I removed her jacket and lifted up her hoodie just enough to see the wound but what I saw was more than just a simple wound her wast was littered with scars. I scatted backwards petrified by what I had seen. I couldn't just leave her there to bleed out. I dug through my bag only to find nothing that could help then I searched her's to find just what I needed. I took the bandages and wrapped them around her wast only to realize that she had many other spots that needed patched. So I did my best but when I removed the damp hoodie I saw hundreds of more scars. After I had calmed down I started a fire to dry out our things and wait for her to regain conciseness.

(Name)'s prov

Everything was dark and cold. There was no sound to be heard. Then out of the black I saw a light and coming from it was a voice. It was Kid. (Name). Was all he said and it was more like a whisper. The closer my soul got to it the louder the voice got and the more pain I felt, but I keep going. As I opened my eyes I was meet by the face of the one and only Death the Kid. He smiled at me. Thats new I've never seen that before. The first thing I said to him was.

Kid's prov.

I watched (name)'s eyes open. The first thing she said was. What is with your face. Before I could give a replied she started to cough up blood. She put her hand over her mouth only to have blood drip through her fingers. Before I could do anything she stopped and got up. She smiled the most insane smile. Before saying. Its time to walk towards  the light reaper boy.

 Its time to walk towards  the light reaper boy

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Her eyes turned red with blood lust. Her skin turned ghost white. She rose clutching her open wound.

TIME TO DIE. She laughed.   

(Name)'s prov.

I felt blood start to come out of my mouth. I put my hand over my mouth and shakily pulled it back. I looked down at the crimson red. Its dark outside and before I could do anything. My soul was chained and dragged me down into the dark where all I could do was watch my body kill one of the few people that cared about me. I was being taken over by the kishin. That the witch known as Kyōgan. Kyōgan was part of the Akunin clan. She was the chief and my mother. She had an idea that we could protect the village with an ultimate weapon and now that is why my body is trying to kill Kid.

Kid's prov.

(Name) what are you doing? I shouted as I evaded her attacks. This is why you should be afraid of the dark. She grinned ear to ear. (Name) I don't want to hurt you. I told her running deeper into the woods hiding behind a tree. Well thats to bad because I don't feel the same. She shouted in replie. Here reaper reaper. Then it was quiet.

Lord Death's prov.

It been to long since Kiddo and (name) checked in. Maybe I should send someone after them. Stein. I called into my mirror. What is it Lord Death? Stein said turning towards me. I want you to take Spirit out with you to the ruins of the Akunin village and see if you can find Kid and (name). I'll see what I can do. Stein said before I ended the call. I just hope they make it in time.

(Name)'s prov.

Thats enough I'm not going to stand by and do nothing well everyone else gets hurt. I'm not going to allow my Master's son to die. Time to die kishin. I turned my fingers into knifes and slowly moved my arm down to my wast. (Name) what are you doing. I heard Kid shout. I'm going to stop myself from hurting anyone else. I told him. But (N-Name) you can't do this. Kid shouted. I don't care if you hurt me (name). We've through so much in so little time. Kid. I started. You protected me. He shouted. And now I'm doing it again. I shouted. Before Kid could react my hand reached my wast.

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