A friend's party

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Kid's prov.

It was almost midnight and I couldn't sleep. I had nothing to do but lay here. Then I sensed a soul coming closer to the door. I saw the handle turn and through the darkness of the door way came. The last person anyone would expect. It was (name). (Name) what are you doing her I though you where still in the infirmary. No it just happens people like me heal faster than reapers. She said calmly like it was the most natural thing ever. So why have you come her when its almost midnight and why are you not going berserk. Stein fixed the extra soul in me that way I was in control and I though you might have some questions. Ya ok. I replied.

(Name)'s prov.

What do you mean by people like me? Kid asked. I mean that I am part weapon and witch. When I was small my mom put a kishin egg in me and attached it to my soul. Oh. Kid said. Anything else? I asked. Not really. Kid replied. Ok bye then. I said before walking out.

A few days later Kid was let out. My life was mostly back to normal. I spent my time avoiding people as I always did and everyone avoided me except a certain reaper. He would walk up to me and we would talk for awhile until we had something else to do. I realized that no one had done anything for Kid since he got out of the infirmary. So I went to work. I waited until no one was looking. Then I slipped a note into Maka's pocket about having a party for Kid since he got out of the infirmary. No lets how this will work. I muttered.

Kid's prov.

Maka came up to me well I was heading to lunch. Hey Kid. Maka shouted. Hey Maka whats up? I asked. We're having a party this week end to celebrate you getting out of the infirmary. Maka replied. Ok sure sounds fun. Ok I'll see you there. Maka said before walking away. After talking to Maka I ran to met up with (name). Hey (name). I said walking up to her. Hey Kid. She answered. Do you want to come with me to a party this week end? I asked. Sorry Kid I'm going on a mission this week end. (Name) replied well eat her food. Well where are you going? I asked. Oh on a mission to Italy. She answered. Hey would you like to try some of my food it pretty good. Sure why not. I said before taking a bit of her lunch. Hey this is delicious. I felt someone hit me in the head. Hey. (Name) shouted. I said a bit not half of my meat I paid good money for that. Alright alright I'll get you a new piece of meat just don't hit me again. I told (name) putting my arms up in self defense. Ok we can go after school. (Name) said as the bell rang for class.

(Name)'s prov.

After school me and Kid went to buy some food which he ate. So what was that you have for lunch.? Kid asked. It was an old recipe for my clan. I told him. I didn't know you could cook. Kid said. Well I can do many thing. I replied to Kid as we checked out. You know what you can do you can make some of that for the party. Kid said as we left the store. No Kid I already told you I can't go. I said to Kid. Well good night. Hey (name) would you like me to walk you home? Kid asked. Nope I'm good. I replied heading home for the night.

Kid's prov.

I headed home wondering if (Name) was ok. I opened the door to find a very mad Liz standing there. Kid where have you been all day. She demanded. Well Liz I can explain. I said backing up a little ways. I'm waiting on an explanation. Liz said. Well you see I've been with this girl.... I started. Oh Kid you have a girl friend. Liz shreiked. Oh who is it. Shes not my girl friend, we're just friends. I told Liz. Ya sure you two will be together before you know it. Liz said rolling her eyes.

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