A death scythe to remember

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(Name)'s prov.

I woke up and sat up gasping for air. I looked around and saw I was in the infirmary. So your still pulling the fake concussion bit? I heard someone say. I turned to the door and saw Stein there with his arms crossed. Don't you ever sleep? I asked trying to rub away my headach. Don't you? He replied. You know I can't. I muttered getting out of bed. And where are you going. Stein said. To talk to Lord Death. I muttered stumbling out into the hall. The bit I pulled took a lot more out of me than I thought. I stumbled down the hall towards the Death Room. I grasp the handle. I pulled open door and entered. I came up to the one and only Lord Death. Hey hiya hows it going? Lord Death said in his cheery voice. Hey Lord Death. I said sitting down on the floor. What do you need? He asked. I have a theory that there is a threat at the DWMA. I told him.

Soul's prov.

After the stunt Kid pulled yesterday everyone was really pissed at him. I flipped through the channels waiting for something good to come on. I was all alone since Maka went to the store and Blair was somewhere. I heard a knock on the door. I got up to see Kid standing outside. I turned and walked down the hall. I pulled open my door and laid down on my bed. I really wasn't going to talk to Kid.

Kid's prov.

I didn't know what to do I have found writing on my arm. It really started to bother me. I went to talk to Maka. I waited outside I could sense Soul walk to the door and turn away before heading down the hall. Then he went to his room. Thats just great.

(Name)'s prov.

I was at home pulling out my clothing. Me and Lord Death had struck a deal. I kill the threat and he will fund everything as he always has. Lord Death will also send mission requests my way. After I finished I looked around one last time. Remembering all the time I had tried to kill people in Death City, all the missions and my first one with Kid. I still can't remember how that end so I was going to find out.

Maka's prov.

I was walking towards the infirmary as I remember what happened. Yesterday Kid pulled the most unfair move in an unarmed fight. (Name) had no weapon. Kid was losing badly so Kid forces Liz and Patty into the fight and he uses his Death Cannon in it knocking (name) out cold. So right now I'm not speaking to Kid and neither is anyone else. So I was going to visit her today and see how she was doing. I walked in to see an empty room. Well it was almost empty Stein was at the desk doing paper work. Shes not here (name) left last night. Stein said. What do you mean left last night? I demanded. She woke up and went to talk to Lord Death and never came back. Stein said. My guess is that she went on a mission. I ran down the hall towards the Death Room. Lord Death. I said as I barged in. Hey hiya thanks for coming Maka how ya doing. Lord Death is it true you sent (name) on a mission? I asked. Yep. Lord Death nodded. Can you tell me where she went? I asked. Nope. Lord Death answered. What??? I said. Its a secret mission all you need to know is that she will be back in a few years.

A few years is too long.

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