A false death and a grim mistake

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(Name)'s prov.

She came at me. It been a some time since we fought. My mother laughed as she tried to run me through with her blade of shadows well I rolled out of the way. Ya but last time I was 3 and didn't know the meaning of pain and suffering. I said slicing through her hand but in return she stabbed me through the gut. She pulled out the sword well laughing. I watched as she enjoyed killing me.


(Name)'s mother laughed insanely as she ran her only daughter through with a sword. When she was done she wiped away her sweat and got ready to take the soul to kishin army, but instead the body faded into shadow. Out of the shadow of the tree rose another (name) who returned the favor. Really mother. (Name) muttered. You really think I would fight you with out a plan. She raised her hand and another shadow appeared behind the chief of the Akunin clan, (name)'s mother, and ran her through. A simple gut wound won't kill me. She snared grabbing (name) by the hair. I know. (Name) smiled. Thats why I coated the blade in a special poison now your going to die slowly from the inside and out. If I die then I'm taking my only child with me. The chief shouted. I'm not going to die to day. (Name) said taking a blade of shadows and cutting of her hair. Before she could move out of the way. Her mother stabbed (name) through the fore head then removing it and going through her heart.

Kid' prov.

I ran through the woods looking for (name). I stopped and looked for (name)'s soul. I found it under a tree. I sprinted towards it but what I found was unbearable. I saw her mangled dead body her long beautiful hair had been messily copped off and next to it was an older woman who look just like her. How can this happen? Am I dreaming again? Her body not moving. Why did it have to end this way? I summoned my skateboard and flew back to the DWMA with the soul of the older woman along with (name)'s soul and her lifeless body.

(Name)'s prov.

I appeared out of a mountain's shadow. I appeared to high on the mountain and fell down the side breaking my leg. Ow that hurt. I muttered sitting up and brushing myself off. Time to put away this magic. Soul protect. I shouted. Now I wait for these wounds to heal. This is why I don't use shadow puppets because I always end up with the wounds that they get. Well I can just wait and then head back to Death City.

Kid's prov.

I walked up the steps of the DWMA and headed towards the Death Room. I opened the door and carried my crushes body back to my father. Oh hello Kid. Father started until he saw (name)'s body. Oh I'm so sorry. He said. Thats when Stein, Spirit, and Sid walked in. Hey Lord Death what is it you need...... Spirit started. Kid we need to take the body. Stein said. No please. I cried. I felt so helpless I didn't know what to do. Kid everything will be alright. Stein said taking the body.

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