The dead return

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Kid's prov.

I felt the sadness haunting my soul. I keep looking at (name)'s letter. It felt like someone was pulling out my heart until I heard the song. It had the lyrics that (name) had left in her note. I followed the song. I ran through the snow to the park outside (name)'s apartment building. I came to a tree an up in it branches was a girl. When I looked closer I realized who it was. (Name). I shouted. She looked down and saw me. K-Kid. She muttered before falling out of the tree. She hit her head on a rock when she reached the ground and was unconscious. I picked her up and carried her back to the school. It only got worst from there.

When she woke up she had no memory of what happened or who she was. The only thing she could remember was that she knew some guy by the name of Death the Kid but she didn't know how.

After they let her out I took her on a picnic in the little park since it had just turned spring. How are you feeling? I asked. Ok. She said. Good make sure you tell me if anything bad happens. I told her. Ok. (Name) smiled at me.

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