The new girl

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Kid's prov.

Since (name) didn't remember anything. I decided that I would move on. Which happened a lot faster then I though. I met this girl named Tia she was sweet and funny. Liz and patty really seemed to like her. When ever me and (name) where together people would glare at us. Now its different it feels nice not to get glared at well having a good time. Hey Kiddo. Tia smiled. Hey Tia. I waved heading over to her. We should have a party to celebrate you and me as a couple. She said. Sure why not. I said as (name) came over to us. Hey Kid could I talk to you for a minute? (Name) asked. Kid we need to finish planning for our party. Tia said lacing her fingers through mine. Maybe later (name). I told her. I'm busy right now.

(Name)'s prov.

I was sitting the roof of the DWMA. When all these memories came flooding back. My village burning, the pain I went through, the people I killed,  that time me and kid went to my burned village to kill of some kishin , but it stopped there. It left something though I had gotten for my time with Kid it was love. I knew he still felt it too but he was dating that Tia chick. I went to find Kid to tell about how I remember almost everything. I found him in the front of the school. He was talking to Tia about a party that they where planing. When I went to tell Kid he brushed me off. What the hell is wrong with him. I stormed off and sat on the roof hoping not to be disturbed. With my luck today it did not happen. BlackStar and Tsubaki came on the roof. Tsubaki was trying to talk some sense into BlackStar. When they noticed I was there. BlackStar turned an ran in fear. Tsubaki came over to me. Hey (name) whats wrong? Tsubaki asked. Oh its nothing. I lied. Its not nothing I can tell when your sad. Tsubaki said shaking her head at my lie. He my Tsubaki why don't you run away in fear? I asked. Well I have no reason to fear you so why should I run. Tsubaki told me. Why don't you? Your polite to me and you've never threatened my life. She told me. Well Tsubaki I can't threaten you, your the nicest person I've met here. I said. Thanks, so whats wrong. She asked. Its Kid I remember most of my life and he told me to tell him but he won't listen to me. I told Tsubaki. Well ask him after class why he won't talk to you. Tsubaki suggested. Thanks Tsubaki. I said. I already know why he won't talk to me. It was Tia he was ignoring me for his girl friend. Well if I can't get him to talk to me then I'll have to do a little redecorating. Besides I have my own method to my madness. Its time to crash a party. Prepare to have your house destroyed.

Kid's prov.

I felt bad for brushing off (name). Like that. I muttered. What did you say Kiddo? Tia asked. It nothing. I said half heartedly. If your feeling bad about brushing off that girl who you hang put with then don't, I'm more important then that ratty thing you call a friend. She told me. Ya but. I started. Come on Kid don't give me that this week is important. Tia said. One month anniversary. Tia sang before giving me a kiss.

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