A leture from a madman and a fight with your mom

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(Name) before the mission

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(Name) before the mission

(Name)'s prov.

I waited inside an empty infirmary room. Stein was suppose to be hear to help me with this stupid kishin soul who keeps taking over my body. Don't beat yourself up about. I heard someone say. I turned to see Sid standing in door way. Well how would you feel. I said. You hurt someone you cared about and someone that they cared for. I would do my best not to blame myself when it wasn't my fault. Sid told me. Sid I think you should stop lecturing the poor kid. Stein said walking into the room. You ready Stein asked. Yep. I said following him to see Lord Death. As we walked past Sid I stuck out my tongue.

Kid's prov.

I woke up and almost fell out of bed. Hey how are you feeling? Some one asked and that someone was Tsubaki. Ok I guess what happened thats what we'd all like to know. Stein said. I don't remember anything. I lied. Alright everyone out Kid needs his sleep. Stein said chasing out Tsubaki, Black Star, Liz, and Patty. Alright Kid no one else is here now out with the truth. Stein said looking through a folder. It was some kind of witch. I told Stein. Oh now I get. Stein muttered. That kid, any way there is someone else here to see you. Then (name) opened the door. Hey Kid. She said. Hey whats up. I replied. Look Kid I won't be back in a few days. (Name) told me. Where are you going? I asked. On a mission. (Name) said half heartily. Let me come with you. I said sitting up only to have (name) lightly push me back down. I'll be back soon. She smiled before giving me a small kiss. Then she walked out of the room. Not to be seen again by the human eye.

(Name)'s prov.

I got off the bus and headed for the forest at the end of the town. When I got there I took off. I ran ninja style through the forest of darkness looking for the witch and army of kishin I was sent to find. They found me first. Well well. Said a voice I had wish never to hear again. My baby girl has come back to her momma. My mother said excitedly. I'm not your baby girl I disowned you long ago. I shouted. You always did have your father's attitude. She smiled. Damn it your not helping this situation. I shouted. I thought that you where 13 not 5. The witch said. I felt like ripping out my hair at this point. I summoned a shadow and turned it into twin swords. Alright you want to fight then will fight. She smiled.

Kid's prov.

Oh this is just great. The kishin in her went out of control and then she went on a mission. You know you have a crush on her right? Stein said still filling out papers. N-No no I'm not. I said. Ah no theres something you have in common your both oblivious to love. Stein said. You both wished it didn't exist and you both think that love is stupid, but you both found it so why not enjoy. What are you saying? I asked. I mean if you want to go find (name) you can. Stein said. The papers are on the bed side table they'll tell you where to go. Really your letting me go just like that? I stared at Stein. Don't complain just go. Stein said still looking at his work. He looked up at me. I've known (name) since she was little and she has always been the same until she met you. Stein said. You made her so calmer and not so angry, but she is still alone. She will fight the biggest battles just to protect anyone she cares for and if you don't go now she will die. Alright thanks. I said as I ran out to find (name). As I ran out of the room. I ran into the last people I wanted to see. It was Liz , Patty and Tsubaki. Kid why are you out of bed? Liz asked. I'm going after (name) shes in danger if I don't go now. I told them. Then it happen Liz went over the edge. She punched me between the eyes. Kid you don't need to pull stupid stunts to get attention. She shouted. I'm not. I shouted back holding my nose. Liz. Tsubaki cut in. Are you sure. Liz muttered. Tsubaki nodded. Alright just come back alive. Liz sighed.

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