Burned ruins

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Kid's prov

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Kid's prov.

I followed (name) through the woods. We hadn't said a word since yesterday. There was something wrong in the town that made her want to leave as fast as we could. Hey (name) is something wrong? I asked putting my hand on her shoulder. She turned and glared at me. Never ever touch me again is that understood. (Name) growled. Before turning and marching off further into the woods. Um (name) you know you can talk to me about anything right. I told her. She just keep going deeper into this symmetrical forest. She stopped in the middle of the woods looked at me out of the corner of her eye then muttered. Idiot. Before heading deep in the woods. Soon after we came to an arch covered in vines and broken in some areas. (Name) just walked on through like she had seen it a dozen times. I followed behind as we walked and old trail.

(Name)'s prov.

We made it after a long train ride, an eventful night, and a long walk we made it to the Akunin clan burned ruin. Kid eyes widened at the untamed rackage. What happened here? He asked. I don't know I just lived in the area when I was five so I know where I'm going. I lied. Alright it will be dark in a few hours so lets get looking around before the sun sets. Well we where walking around I felt like something was watching us and there was an odd smell in the air. Kid do you sense that? I asked. Ya I sense it theres a witch soul. Kid replied quietly. (Name) your a weapon right? Ya stupid your father would send you completely defenseless. I mocked his stupidness before transforming into twin swords in kids hands.

Kid's prov.

(Name) transform in a blinding (f/c) light into twin swords. I couldn't help but smirk at the fact that I was still symmetrical. I got ready for what was coming next but what I saw I would have never suspected. Thousands of kishin surrounded us. How could I not have sensed this many in one spot. I muttered as I sliced through one but nothing happened it seemed unfazed by it and soon it returned the attack. I felt helpless after I ran out of energy to block one of them came in for the kill. I close my eyes and braced myself for the pain.

What I waited for never came when the sound of flesh being pierced came I felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see (name) in front of me with a dagger in her side and the blade of a sword caught in her hand. (N-Name). I called as she continued to block the attacks of the kishin well are backs up against a the edge of a cliff. I clasped my hand around (name)'s arm as she almost fell of the cliff.

(Name)'s prov.

I did my best to block the attacks but I was growing tired and wiry from blood loss. I felt Kid's warm hand around my arm as I almost stepped. I looked at him and got an idea of how to save us. I continued to block and waited for the perfect moment to tell Kid, but before I could tell him a Kishin use my momentary weakness to its advantage. Hitting another vital point in my body. Making my topple over the edge and lose conciseness.

Kid's prov.

As the kishin stabbed (name) I was to slow to grab holed of her from to keep her from falling off the side of the cliff. My only hope was to catch her before impact.

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