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"So where are we going on our next date?"  I ask Toby.  "Oh what were you saying?"  He asked sleepily.  "Aw babe, why are you so tired?"  I asked pretending to be intrigued.  But the truth is that I already knew the answer.  Studying.  That's what he's always doing on weekends, when he could be out partying and having some fun for once.  When we first met we had a study date. Which consisted of us having his moms broccoli casserole.  Oh and we actually studied.  And to top it all off, his mom stayed home with us to make sure "nothing promiscuous was going on".  That's the whole point of a study date!  Who in their right mind studies?  Well, now I have the answer to that question.  I know that I'm making it seem like my boyfriend is a total buzzkill, (he kind of is....sometimes) but he's not all bad.  He lets me kiss him (sometimes).  And that's basically all we do.  I mean kiss, that's it. A peck on the cheek, occasionally on the lips.  If it is, it's not for long. (Like this date, or anytime I get to spend with him for that matter).  It's like when you were in 6th or 7th grade and people were "dating" and they would hold hands in the hallways, or give each other a quick kiss before dashing to their busses so they wouldn't get caught.  That's basically us.  Now, you would imagine that I would be some kind of nerdy librarian or something.  I'm not.  I act shy in school but I'm completely different off campus.  It's just that I don't like talking to people that I don't know, and I feel more comfortable with the people that I do know.  I'm not that unattractive, just different than most girls in my school, and that sounds good doesn't it?  I mean everyone says diversity is good right? Wrong.  Apparently no one thinks that.  I'm average weight and height.  Freckles engulf the bridge of my nose and cheekbones.  They're light colored.  My hair is black and my eyes are brown.  Toby is my height and a little scrawny, he has messy dark brown hair that I would love to comb my hands through. I duck my head and prop up my menu as Madison and Wesley enter the restaurant. Wesley gestures toward an empty booth and Madison giggles as he takes her jacket. Disgusting. Wesley sleeps with anything that moves and Madison loves to move. From the next boy to the next. They're a match made in Heaven. Yuck. Wesley gets up and leaves the booth.  I hear him mumble something and gesture over my way. Madison rolls her eyes and as he starts walking she locks eyes with me and squints them real hard like she's trying to find her microscopic brain.  "Well hi there neighbor! Oh and Tony!" "It's Toby." He squeaks, raising up a bony hand for Wesley to shake.  "Woah dude, why so formal.  It's not school or anything.  Although you're always sticking your hand up there too to answer questions ."  "He's trying to be polite Wes.  Obviously a term that you're unfamiliar with."  "Well okay then Bianca, I'll see you in school and you too Ton-Tony."He chuckles to himself.  "Wow you just crack yourself up huh?" I ask Wesley.  "I'm pretty funny, add it to the list of other things that are great about me."  He smirks at me with this cocky half sneer that I hate so much and gives me a small wink. What a jerk. Besides his perfect complexion and six pack abs and amazing sports ability he's nothing.  That's right, I said it. Wesley Rush is nothing, means nothing.  Wesley Rush means nothing to me and he never will.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz