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I dig through my many papers and binders to find my Science 11 binder. I check my rat's nest of black hair in my mirror. I slam my locker door shut to see Wesley leaning against the one behind it. "What do you want Wes?" "Well I have an offer that you can't resist. I'm failing Science right now and I need your help. So I thought if you helped me I could give you something in return..." "Hold up. Wes, I don't want to-". "Oh, you thought that I was asking if you wanted to sleep with me? Well I had something else in mind, but if you're into that then-" "NO! What's the 'something else in mind'." "I thought considering you dress like Wreck-It-Ralph, maybe I could help you with a little makeover and help you resolve your awkwardness. In return, you could help me bring my grade up." "Let me think about it. Okay?" "Think about this Bianca , killing two birds with one stone. You help me with science and I'll help you not be a DUFF!" "A what?"He turns on his heel and slams right into Madison. "Where were you? We're supposed to be rehearsing for Prom King and Queen speeches! Don't talk to her! She's so gross!" "Listen Mads I think it's over." "What's over?" She asked annoyed. "Us. It's not you its me." "Are you serious? Right before Prom?" "Yeah I am." Wesley walks away with more swagger than ever. On the way he winks at multiple girls of course. I lost count around 5.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now