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I can't believe what just happened. I admitted that I love Wesley (Still confused about that one) in front of my dad! He'll never let me see him again! Just like he said! I need to talk to him! "Dad." He looks up from the paper and sips his coffee. "What?" "I'm really really sorry, but I really lo-like Wesley....there's nothing you can do that will change my mind. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder-" "Bianca! Don't do this to me please. I guess I'm just not ready for this talk with you. I thought that you have a boyfriend!" "I do! But I'm also in like with Wesley. Dad don't you want me to be happy?" "Why do you lo-like him?" "He understands me like no one else can, he makes me laugh when I'm feeling down and he always makes me feel good about myself(well almost always, even when he insults me I just insult him back!)" "Bianca I don't think that he's a good influence on you! Do you hear yourself? 'When he insults me I just insult him back' that's not how normal relationships are supposed to be. Are you being safe?" "What do you mean?.....Oh....No.....not meaning no I haven't been safe it's just that we've-I've never done that before." "Oh okay....listen. I really want you to be happy....I do!-" "Dad! I don't care if this is not how normal relationships are. It's how we act and if it makes me happy what the hell do you care? You just said you wanted me to be happy!"
"Well it's not good behavior! You were never like this with Toby! What are you going to do about him anyway Bianca? Huh? You can't just cheat on him! You will not be around Wesley anymore!" "How about school dad? You're not going to be there watching me are you? God. Stop being such an overprotective pain in my ass! I hate you!" I run up to my room in tears and take out a suitcase. I know that this only happens in movies but I'm running away from home. I pack one pair of pajamas and a couple different outfits. I drive away and leave with my dignity. Once I get to his house I knock three times. "Bianca? What's wrong?" He pulls me in and shuts the door. " My dad....*sniff* he told me that we....*sniff* can never see each other....*sniff* again." "I though that you hated me Bianca?" " I could really use a friend right now." "Why didn't you go to Jess and Casey?"
"Because they don't understand what I'm going through. My dad thinks that you're a troublemaker and he never wants me with you again." "This is really upsetting you, huh?" "Yeah.."  "Tell me why." "Why do you care? Who wants to know?" "Me, the only man in your life." "Wesley, you wouldn't be the only man in my life if you were only man on earth." "Ouch sticks and stones, B. Speaking of stones, rock hard abs!" He says lifting up his shirt. I laugh although it's true. "How are you so good at cheering me up?" "Because today is Valentine's Day. Being the day of love, I have a pretty tight schedule. But, I can make an exception for you because you just can't get enough of me. 10:00 I'm free." "I think I can survive one night without you." He pulls me onto his lap and wipes away my tears. "Call me okay? We can talk about this later. Better yet...just come over. I'll be waiting." "Well then you'll be waiting for a very long time for two reasons. 1: We both know that you'll be sitting home playing Call of Duty all day. And 2: There is no way in hell that I'm spending my Valentine's Day at your house." "I'm packed. All day long. I'll see you later Bianca." "Don't bet on it!" "I will because I know that Tucker isn't around today!" As I close the door behind me I smile and suddenly I feel a little better. I go to Casey's house and I tell her and Jess about everything. About me and Wesley. About my dad. About my feelings for Wesley. "Wow." She says. "I wasn't expecting that." "Pretty good for a Duff eh?" "B, you are not the Duff. If anything we're chumps in comparison to you." "Alright you had me then you lost me." "No really! You are way smarter than me and so funny!" Jess says. "Continue..." I say jokingly. I glance at the clock. 9:50. "I got to go." "Where?" Jess asks. "Really Jess? Obviously Wesley's!" Casey says. I laugh. "Maybe." "Listen, I think that you should choose Toby. He's such a sweetheart and easy on the eyes." Jess says. "No. Go with Wesley. He's so funny and sooooo hot." Casey says. "You're not making the decision any easier!" "Sorry!" They say in unison. I rush out the door and get there just in time. I notice that there's a tree right outside his bedroom window. I climb it and knock on his balcony door. "I was worried that you weren't going to show up!" "How'd you get up here?" "There's a tree." He laughs. "Why didn't you just knock on the door?" "It's more dramatic." "Where's your textbook?" "Come on Wes, you know that we're not going to study." He smirks and leans down to kiss me. I have to stand on my tiptoes to meet his kiss. "Was that your first time?" "Yeah why was it obvious?"
I ask laughing. "No actually I'm just surprised you haven't...Sorry." It's silent for a while. He watches me dress. "Even when I have my clothes on you stare at me!" I say sitting on the edge of his bed. "You're just...Listen...I'm sorry. I didn't realize how hurtful that word could be." "What word?" I ask but I know exactly what he's talking about. "I see the look of hurt on your face every time I say it. It just never occurred to me what it must feel like to be called something like that. I have to admit. There is always someone that is better looking or more talented than you. Just remember that there is always someone who doesn't have it as good as you. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm A DUFF. We all are." "Beautiful speech Wesley, but you can't be a DUFF if you don't have friends." "Oh no. That is a false statement. You are my friend at least I thought we were. I remember you uttering the words 'I could really use a friend right now'." "Honestly, I don't really know what we are anymore Wesley. I guess it's more of a friends with benefits kind of thing." "I'm okay with that." I roll my eyes. But I'm really not mad. I think I dug deep enough to find the layer. There is a sweet guy under all that thick muscular skin. " Are you staring at my abs?" "Put some clothes on." I say. "You didn't seem to mind it a second ago when I had
nothing on." He pulls on his pants and his shirt and I feel somewhat disappointed because I was staring at his abs. "Alright so I was. But who cares? You stare at my boobs all the time." "Your boobs should be thanking me for making them two separate body parts." I ignore that last statement. "I didn't even notice before that you're wearing your overalls again." "You sound happy about that."I say. He laughs. "I guess I just missed it." "I just don't want to change myself for anyone or any reason. I like how I look." "I'll add that to the list. Confidence is sexy. Especially on you." I blush and he laughs. "Your cheeks are bright red." "I should go." "No, stay." "I don't want to be a problem." "Stay." I think for a while. "Please?" I lay back down on the bed and as soon as I see the clock I laugh at what time it is. 4:00. Wesley and I have been up for 4 hours deep into conversation. I sit up. "Can't sleep?" He asks sitting up. "Yeah not really." "Lay back down." I obediently lay my head on the pillow. "So did you really play Call of Duty all day?" I ask. "Maybe." He says. "Shhh." I stop talking and he runs his fingers through my hair and my eyes blink closed. The next morning well technically still that day, I wake with his arms around me. This time I don't freak out. "Doesn't it get lonely in this big house by yourself?" "Yeah sometimes. That's why I have you to keep me company." He whispers in my ear. I get up and stretch. Then my phone rings. "Dad?" "Hi honey. I'm sorry about yesterday are you okay?" "Yeah dad I'm fine." "Look I know that you're confused and you need someone to talk to. I'm always here for you honey. I still don't want you to be with him-" I hang up. I don't want to hear the rest of the conversation. "Who was that?" "My dad." "You know that people usually sleep in on weekends." "Sorry." I gather my things. "Where are you going?" "I need to go and see Jess and Casey. I owe it to them. I've kind of been spending my time with someone else lately." I look at him. He follows me downstairs. "Why, so early?" "It's 10:00! I promised them Id meet them for breakfast." "Can they take a rain check?" He asks. I start to call them and I feel him breathing on the back of my neck. He whispers in my ear. "You know you love me. Did you get my note?" He moves his hand up my leg. I try to pay attention to what Casey is saying but he's distracting me. "Okay, bye Case." "You asshole! You can't keep your hands to yourself for five minutes can you?" "I mean I could but why would I want to?" He sings off key. "You're not Selena Gomez please don't ever sing to me again." "Bianca why don't you ever show anybody your voice? You're such a good singer." "Nobody wants to hear it." "I do. Matter of fact why don't you come by tonight? And you can sing me a lullaby." I slap him. "What was that for?" "You. Being a douche. I promised you that as long as you keep being one, I'll keep hitting you." He laughs and walks me outside. I hug him. "Thank you. For everything." "You. Are. Welcome. Anytime. See you later." He winks and I'm breathless once again.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now