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It's nice having a break from school. Relaxing. Except this was a drama-filled long weekend. I try to talk to a lot of people today to get my mind off of things. And by 'things' I mean Wesley. He doesn't talk to me in homeroom. I almost never see him with girls. Which is surprising, they used to be all over him. He watches me from the other side of the room. My seat is by the window and it's raining outside. I can see the reflection of Wesley staring at me. He smiles at me and I look away quickly. I don't want to give him the wrong idea. He's just using me. He doesn't really like me. He just can't take that I rejected him. He has to be first. In his mind, he probably says thing like 'second is the first to lose'. That's just the kind of person he is. After class I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. Without turning around I know exactly who it is. "So I know that you were just playing it up because your dad was around but he doesn't need to know what we do." He hands me a key. "The front door will be unlocked." "I hand him the key back. "Wesley, did you not hear me before? We are done! Okay? I can't do this to myself. I'm not going to be just another one of your girls that falls right into your trap. I know that you don't love me Wesley, you're just using me. You just can't stand to be second place. I rejected you. Deal with it. People reject you in life." "Then can we at least be friends?" "I don't know. After all we've been through, I think it would be for the best if you stay the hell away from me!" "I can't do that." He pulls me in and kisses me hard on the lips. "You're saying you didn't feel anything just then?" I slap him hard. "I sure did." He rubs his jaw and follows me down the hallway. "Bianca, please come back!"
The good thing about my school is that there are always two ways to go. So when I spot Wesley throughout the day, I simply just take the other way. Except in the hallway I'm in right now. There is no escape from him. He approaches me and I turn away from him. "Bianca." "Leave me alone! I never want to see you again." I expect to hear footsteps behind me but they've stopped in their tracks. I turn around and find a girl clinging to him. He gives a dirty look and shakes her off. He starts to follow me then stops when I reach the doors. I'm about to open them when I look back and see him standing in the middle of the hallway watching me leave. This time the look on his face isn't hard to read. It's a mix of disappointment and hurt. It's probably nothing serious. With him it never is. Someone covers my eyes. "Guess who?" "Hmm is it Toby Tucker my incredible boyfriend?" "Aw man. You got me." I open my eyes and he gives me a kiss. I turn my back and see Wesley with a new look on his face. Is it anger? He walks me out to his car and drives me home. "Thanks for the ride." "No problem." He gets into his car and for some reason I was expecting a wink or a grin.
A few weeks go by and the same exact things happen: Avoiding Wesley, going on nice dates with Toby and his rides home from school. Until tonight.
I get a delivery of flowers. Toby is so sweet. I open the note and I'm shocked by who sent them. I don't even have to read the signature to know who sent them. Perfectly curved letters and cursive. Wesley. The note reads: Hi Bianca,  I really want to apologize for what has happened for the last few months. Calling you that awful name. I know that I already apologized but you can never be too sorry. You're right about everything. At first, I was using you and it did bother me that you rejected me. So I thought, I need to make this girl mine. The first time that I realized I had feelings for you was at Olive Garden. I know that's your favorite place. Notice how I just show up whenever you're some place? I became obsessed with you. I knew exactly what time that you went to bed and went to take out the trash so I could run into you. It really sounds like I'm a psycho stalker but there is only one explanation for this. Ever since Olive Garden I wanted to send this letter. I kept re-writing it and chickening out. I would do this in person, but you never give me the time of day. I tried to call you, but you blocked my number. And I remember you saying that the sound of my voice makes you feel suicidal. So, I thought I'd write my feelings down on paper. I know that it's not the 18th century and no one writes letters anymore, but I would do anything for you. I told you I care about you Bianca, and I know that you remember what I said about that. "When Wesley Rush cares about something, he never lets anything bad happen to them and he never gives up." Well, I admit I haven't done such a good job with the first part. I hurt you. I saw how upset you were when your dad said that you could never see me again. And I was scared. I wasn't ready for a commitment and I led you on. I will never do that again. Ever. I really hope that you're okay and Toby is treating you well, because you deserve every nice thing that he does for you. You're amazing Bianca. Any guy is lucky to have you. You're beautiful, funny, sarcastic, cynical, and deep down, deep, deep down you're sweet. (Sometimes) I need to get this off my chest, lay it all on the table right now. I have STRONG feelings for you. I don't care if love takes years upon years to develop, I love you Bianca Anne Piper. I'll keep the other half of my bargain, I will never give up. I know that you're with Tucker, and I'm extremely jealous. No one could make me write a long, sappy, love letter like this one. Only you. I will get rid of my terrible reputation if you will be with me. I've blocked all girls out of my life. I want to be with you. When reality hits, and you realize that you've loved me all along, I'll be waiting.
p.s. I know that you're rolling your eyes right now. It's always been a huge turn-on. I'm in complete shock. Wesley loves me? Me? Well he's right. I am with Tucker. I mean Toby. I do have some feelings for Toby. And I'm still in complete shock. I don't know how I feel about Wesley. Once Wesley realizes that he loves me, when there are plenty of other options waiting for him, he'll go back to being his normal self and this whole thing will blow over.*********** ********************************************Toby and I are going to Prom together tonight. I can't wait! I glance at myself in the mirror. Wow! I think that for once I actually look good! Jess, Casey, and I head to Prom and they look beautiful. "We're your Duffs tonight Bianca, you look beautiful." Jess says. "Aww you guys are so sweet and you both look beautiful." We head to the gym and the music is so loud that I hear it pulsing underneath my feet. I get a lot of stares and whistles. I dance with Toby and he talks to me about some Jane Eyre book. I try to listen but I notice Wesley staring at me in the corner. I look at him and he doesn't break eye contact. I glance back at him. "Bianca. Go to him. I see him staring at you. I know that you like him too. You two have been together and I'm kind of your backup. Listen I know you were scared to tell me. I feel just as guilty as you. I like someone too. Jess." "It was kind of obvious. I think she likes you too. Go dance with her." Jess looks over on cue and winks at him. "I'm so sorry Bianca. Can we still be friends?" "You bet!" I kiss him on the cheek. "Now go!" I push him towards her and they dance together. I smile. This is how it's supposed to be. I take a deep breath and walk in his direction. I trip and land in someone's arms. "You must be nervous." He says. "What me nervous? No!" "You're doing it again." "Doing what? I'm not doing anything. What are you talking about? What are you doing?" "Wesley I got your letter and your flowers. How did you know that roses are my favorite?" "Lucky guess." He says smiling. "I need to tell you something. I don't know what to call it. I have feelings for you. STRONG feelings. Who am I Wesley?" He laughs. "I wasn't sure what I wanted before. But I do now. I broke up with Toby. I li-love you Wesley. But how do I know that this isn't all some lie to get me with you again? Listen I know I said that love takes years upon years to develop but, this didn't. I'm in love with you Wesley Adam Rush." "Prove it." He says with a grin. I kiss him. And this time it's a real kiss. Not a hard kiss. Not a goodbye kiss. It's a hello kiss. I'm saying hello to new beginnings. I'm saying hello to my new boyfriend. "I missed you." He says leaning in for another kiss. I dodge it. "Too slow for Bianca Piper." He chases me and swings me around. "I gotcha." He kisses me again. "Will you be my date to Prom?" "I thought you'd never ask!" He says leading me onto the dance floor. 'Hands to Myself' comes on. "I mean I could but why would I want to?" We sing in unison. He twirls me around and around. "So I was thinking after the dance we can grab something to eat and go back to my place and play pool. I'll beat your ass this time." "You wish." "Where do you want to go?" He asks. "I was thinking Olive Garden. Breadsticks, accidental touching under the table, sharing the same pasta. He gasps. "I love it when you talk dirty to me." I roll my eyes. "Sexy" he says. "I remember you saying that confidence was sexy. Well, I have confidence that I will beat your ass this time in pool. I was just taking it easy on you." "Wow. You're really turning me on right now. I can't wait to see the look on Madison's face when she sees me dating the hottest girl in school." "I wouldn't say hot. I'd say Duff." "Well you're the hottest Duff I've ever seen." We walk out hand in hand out of the gym. Pretty good for a Duff eh?

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now