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"Who knows what the cube root of 512 is?"Dear God, not me! Not me! Not m- "Biiannca, just the girl I was looking for." "Well we don't have all day". Madison snaps. "Oh I almost forgot we have a new student that transferred from a different period." He opens the door and I look down at my desk and pray. Not that I'm religious or anything I just do it when I'm in need of something as important as this. That's when a familiar voice interrupts my thoughts. "Looks like we'll be seat neighbors too!" I wince and turn my head up into chocolate brown eyes and perfectly gelled hair that could only belong to Wesley Rush. Wesley gives me his trademark lopsided grin and my stomach churns with my lunch threatening to exit my body any second. Not because I like him or anything, I mean I have a perfectly good boyfriend. It's just that his face makes me want to throw up."Welcome Mr. Rush to the class everyone." Everyone hoots and hollers and the girls sigh and swoon. I roll my eyes as he dabs for the class and takes a bow. He winks at me and grins again. "Okay that's enough. Looks like you have your fan club here Mr. Rush." "I have a fan club everywhere." "Keep it to yourself Wesley." I glance over at Madison and she seems extremely annoyed. The glittery pink pencil she grips in her right hand trembles and she takes her left hand and snaps it clean in half, then points at me. Yikes. She must of woken up on the wrong side of the yacht. I just roll my eyes and turn back to my work. "So Bianca what's the answer to the cube root of 512?" Wesley leans over and coughs '8'. I'm about to answer but is Wesley actually smart? Or is this whole deal just to get his grade up? "Is it 8?" "Yes that's correct!" The teacher turns his back to start writing again. Wesley grins at me. "You're welcome." I roll my eyes at him. "Thank you Wes." He smiles and turns around. The bell rings and he's already gone. I push through the crowd to find him. "I thought about it and yes I will help you." "That's what I thought. My house tomorrow, six." He grins and makes his way through the crowd. I get shoved into a locker and am held down by someone's elbow. Madison. "Listen stay away from Wes. I don't like that you are sitting next to him in class. You probably did it because you're madly in love with him. But you have no chance." "Madison you guys aren't even dating." "We're getting back together." "Is Wesley aware of this?" "He will be made aware. I don't need any losers like you getting in my way. Especially during Prom season when I'm trying to earn my 3rd crown in a row. Wesley will be King. So have fun playing house, but back off." Madison turns on her heel and sashays away from me.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora