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I dig through the clothes Wesley got for me and try the new eyeliner and mascara I got from Sephora. I take out the new bras and the blue crop top. Wow. Maybe I do need new bras. My boobs look good. I head to school and for once I feel confident in how I look. I catch a lot of stares in the hallways and Wesley takes one look at me and whistles. "You look, wow." He looks me up and down and then back up. "Alright stop checking me out!" I say with burning cheeks. "You just look so different!" He says. "In a good way?" "Yeah..." He makes a strange face. "What?" "Nothing. I've got my grades up and you look amazing. We're good. I got to go." I shrug and walk away but deep down I feel weird. Maybe I'm just hungry? It's time for lunch anyway. I gather my books for 6th and 7th period and my lunch for 5th. I make my way to my usual lunch table with Jess and Casey. I can't help but overhear Wesley's conversation from the next table away. "She really needed it bro. I mean like seriously she looks so good. The deal is great. I get A's and B's no problem, and she looks like an 8 instead of a 5." "Her new look is so hot dude." One of his friends say. I try to pay attention to Jess's fashion talk and Casey's talk of boys to take to Prom. "She's looking at you man." "If you don't want her, I'll take her for myself." "Damn, she's fine." I get up and approach his table with arms crossed. "What?!" Wesley asks, somewhat innocently. His friends whistle at me and I roll my eyes in disgust. "I can hear everything you're saying about me, you know!" "I'm just complimenting you, well really myself. I did a pretty good job." His friends murmur in agreement. "Your boobs look good, new bra?" I take his lunch tray and dump it on him. "Asshole." I run out of the lunchroom and to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and think for a while. I'm so confused. Does Wesley like me? I know that I like him. Even if he is a complete douche. What about that kiss the other day? Was that a pity kiss? Was it real and now he's too embarrassed to admit his true feelings? I really think deep down Wesley could have a slight chance of being a good guy. Why am I thinking about Wesley? I was supposed to talk to Toby about breaking up! I'm cheating on him.....
Well, I did cheat on him. What do I do?
On the way out of school, Wesley approaches me. "Bianca, I'm so sorry." "Are you really, Wesley?" "Uh-" "My face is up here Wes!" I say gesturing to my face. "Yes, Bianca I really am." "Look Wesley, I'm into you. There's really nothing I can do about it. I thought that you liked me back, but I guess that I was wrong. You're just the jerk that everyone told me you were." "Wait you're into me? I kind of just got back together with Madison." "Are you serious Wesley? You kissed me when you have a girlfriend?" "Don't be such a hypocrite. You kissed me and you have a boyfriend." "Wesley, you're embarrassed to be seen with me!" "That's not true!" "Then why are you such a jerk to me when you're with your friends?" "All I know is that I really like you Bianca. You're different from other girls. You don't hang all over me. You're so funny and you get my sense of humor. You're like an escape." "I could say the same thing about you Wesley. You're my escape when things are confusing and life is getting me down. You're my escape when I don't want to be with Toby anymore. You're exciting. There's always something going on with you that's a mystery. I like that." He pulls me in and our lips meet. This close to him I smell his cologne. Normally this would bother me, but I love the smell of his cologne and there's always a perfect amount that he has on. Not overwhelmingly strong and not almost nonexistent. I pull away to stare into his big eyes that make me melt with one glimpse. My lips tingle with the taste and feel of him that still lingers on me after he pulls me back in and out once more. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home." I follow him and he opens the car door for me. "What a gentleman." I laugh and bat my lashes. On the way home I explain natural selection and genetic engineering so he'll ace his adaptation test. On the way up to my doorstep, he leans with his arm over me on the doorframe and kisses me. "That was a nice way of telling me to shut up." He laughs and looks down at the ground. "Bianca, I need to tell you something." "Okay what is it?" "I think that I'm-" My dad comes downstairs. "Oh Bumblebee, didn't know that you were home. Who's this?" Wesley sticks out his hand for my dad to shake and he reluctantly shakes it with a raised eyebrow. "Hi sir, my name is-" "Oh! I know who you are! You're Wesley Rush from next door aren't you? I haven't seen you over here in years! What are you two up to?" "Studying, we have a big test on Friday." "Oh well good luck." My dad whispers in my ear. "Is he okay?" I nod my head. "Alright see you later for dinner." "You know what? I forgot that I have guitar lessons tonight. How about after school tomorrow Bianca?" "Okay see you." My dad goes inside and shuts the door behind him. I run to Wesley and he kisses me firmly on the lips. "I'll see you around." He winks and grins and my heart does a little dance.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now