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My heart races as fast as it ever has before. I'm so nervous. I don't think I can do this. But I have to. I make my way up to his door and knock three times. He'll know it's me. We always do that. His mom comes to the door. "Is Toby home?"********************************
A few seconds later he comes to the door. "Bianca, what's going on?" "Nothing." "I see you and Wesley together all the time." I'm silent. "We're just friends." "Look, if something is going on, tell me." "Nothing is going on!" I say with a nervous laugh. "I'd rather you make out with him right in front of me then keep it a secret. I thought this relationship was built on trust!" "It isn't! I mean it is....but nothing is going on." "Okay, then what did you come here for?" "I just feel like we haven't seen each other in a while, let's go do something fun!" "Bianca, you know that I have that big test-" "It's in a month, calm down! Why do you have to be so freaking uptight all the time! Maybe I should just go date Wesley, he's more fun than you!" He's silent for a while then gives me a hurt look. "Maybe you should!" He shuts the door in my face. I stand on the porch step for a while contemplating what just happened. Did we just...break up? Now I can date Wesley! OMG! I hate myself! What have I become?! A cheater and a liar? And now I'm happy that we broke up? I need to make this right. I knock on the door three times. No one comes to the door for a while. Then Toby opens the door and I kiss him. For a long time. He pulls away first. "What was that?" "It's called a kiss, try it sometime!" "I thought you were mad at me." "I am, but I wanted to show you that I'll never do anything to hurt you." "Pinky promise?" We link pinkies. "Promise." I smile at him. "Where do you want to go?" "Go.....?" "On our date! Don't just stand there let's do something fun!" "Okay!" I reply a little too enthusiastically. "How about a picnic in the park?" I suggest. "Whatever makes you happy!" "Let me go home and get changed into something a little more fancy." "Okay." He smiles and I fake one. He shuts the door and my smile fades right away. I'm still not satisfied. So I lied? It's not like I'm going to do anything with Wesley ever again, besides studying. Just studying.
I call up Toby and tell him to bring his dog, Bailey. It can be a date for the dogs too. After I'm dressed, I load Milo into the car and start over to his house. I honk three times. He comes out with Bailey on her leash yanking him down the driveway. I giggle. I pop open the sliding door and the dogs hop in the back. I smile at Toby. "You dressed up." "I thought we were supposed to." I was wearing a simple fancy half shirt and black high-waisted shorts with sandal heels that 'you-know-who' bought me. (Not Voldemort!) Toby is wearing a salmon colored short sleeved button up with khakis and boat shoes. With one hand I steer the car and the other is entangled in his. The park isn't that fun. It's just that I have some information that leads me there on this Saturday afternoon. You see, I walk my dog every Saturday in the park and coincidentally so does Wesley.That's not the only reason why I went. I obviously just want to spend time with my boyfriend. When we arrive we find a cute little park bench. "I'm going to go throw the frisbee with Bailey, it won't be long I promise." He kisses me on the cheek. I smile nonchalantly. When he turns his back I get to work. I lay my jacket over the back of the bench, it covers the initials B+W. It doesn't matter, no one needs to see that anyway. I watch him play frisbee with Bailey jumping six feet in the air. Someone sits beside me. "Bianca." I jump. "I thought you were Toby." "Bad move. Coming to the park on a day you know that I'm here. Then sitting on our bench. How romantic." He leans in with his lips puckered. I close my fingers over his mouth. "Are you trying to get me caught? Shit here he comes. He already thinks that something is going on." Toby approaches the bench. "Wesley what are you doing here?" "I was just walking my dog. I come here every Saturday." "Oh, really?" I ask with as much surprise as I can muster. "Yeah." He says with fake enthusiasm. Wesley stands up and makes small talk with Toby for a while. I slide over to the other side of the bench where my coat is and lean against it. Lord help me if this jacket falls on the ground. The jacket tumbles down and lands in the mud. They both turn around. "Oh no! Let me help." Toby takes my jacket and starts walking away. "What are you doing?" "I'm going to put it in the sun." "No, no that's okay." Wesley glances down at me, obviously not looking at my face. "Wesley stop looking at my boobs and help me!" I mutter. He looks beside me and notices the letters scratched in the bench. "Hey, Toby! I'm with Bianca. Why don't we just leave it hanging on the bench?" "It will dry quicker in the sun and I don't want it to fall again." "Oh trust me it won't! Wesley has a very strong grip don't you Wesley?" "Oh...uh yeah! Yeah I do!" He takes the jacket from Grayson and grips it tightly in one hand. "Well, okay then." Toby says. Toby takes a seat beside me and behind him Wesley rolls his eyes and makes a 'throwing-up' gesture. I snicker.
"What's so funny?" Toby asks. "Nothing. Just something Jess said to me on the phone last night." "Oh yeah, how is Jess?" "She's good." "That's good." He says smiling. I know that Toby likes Jess. That doesn't even bother me. I wish I could hook them up and me and Wesley could be together. Wesley interrupts. "I think I should be going." "No stay! I insist." "Um kay." Wesley slowly takes a seat on the other side of Toby. "Look the sun is setting! It's so beautiful isn't it?" I shiver. "You look cold." He puts his arm around me. Wesley gags again behind him and I roll my eyes. "Thanks." I say to Toby. Wesley's leg reaches over to mine and he moves it slowly up my leg. I kick it away. "Ouch!" Wesley yells. I stiffen. "What happened?" Toby asks. "I think I just got stung by a wasp." "That's strange. They don't come out until late June" Toby says suspiciously. "Well I felt it alright. That stinging little bee going from one flower to the next. It got me on my leg." He glares at me. I try not to laugh. And he makes an annoyed face. I have a feeling this isn't just about the 'bee'. Toby talks to me about the evolution of the sun while I feel something on my arm. I turn my head to the side and see Wesley's hand inching down it. It gets close to my hand. I curl mine up until we link fingers and we're holding hands. I try not to move my arm so it hits Toby. He slips something into my hand. A note and a flower. I turn my head a little more to read it. "A flower. for you, my little stinging bee." I try not to laugh and look at Wesley and he winks at me.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now