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I went on another date with Toby. Tonight we're at Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants. "Bianca. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I feel really bad that I'm out of town. I thought we could go for a day before kind of dinner. Right when I get back I'll make it up to you and we can do whatever you want." "Aw you're so sweet! I can't wait." He drops his fork and while he's retrieving it I spot Wesley a few tables away with another one of his endless list of girls. She talks to him and twirls her hair but he doesn't seem to be listening. He winks when he notices that I'm looking at him. I look away as Toby comes back up from under the table. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." "Okay." I say pretending that I'll miss him. I glance over at Wesley again and it seems to me like his date is going to suck all the salt off the breadsticks. I admit I used to do that because the bread is so good here, but she's looking at Wesley and sucking as hard as she can. Disgusting. Who's that desperate to go on a date with him. I notice him talking to her but glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. He starts smiling again and drops his fork dramatically. While on the ground he mouths to me. 'Who am I Duffy?' And winks. I put up a finger to show him I understand. 'Feisty!' He mouths. He comes back up to the table and I look away. I hear them talking. "So I was thinking...Wesley!....Wesley! What are you looking at?" She turns around and stares me down. "Her? I'm so much prettier than her! I can give you things that she can't..." She runs her hand up his arm and he pushes it away. "So as I was saying....I was thinking that you wanted to..." The clinking of plates mutes their conversation. He shakes his head. What could a pretty girl like her ask him that he would refuse? "Oh well I have plenty other options." She gets up and walks away. But not before staring me down and huffing at me. When she's gone, Wesley and I burst into laughter. He comes over to my table and sits opposite of me. "So you're here with Tucker?" He asks playing with a fork. I take it from him. "Yes." "Bianca I need to tell you something, I really like you. It's just that when I'm with other girls they're all over me and you keep your distance which I like, and when I'm with other girls they don't listen to me. All they want to do is make out or have sex or something." "Isn't that all you want to do?" I ask. "Well 80% of the time yes, but it's nice to talk sometimes and you listen. Like about my parents the other day." Wesley isn't as much as a jerk as I thought. Deep down he's just a dick but not a jerk. And even deeper down he's just an ass. The deepest layer is obnoxious. That's it. I haven't discovered the sweet guy layer yet. I don't know if there is one. "So what are you saying? I know that you like me Bianca." "I do not!" "You don't hate me, you may not like me, but you do love me." "Shut up!" I shove him out of the booth. "Could you stop pushing me all the time?" "Sorry. Instinct. I'll stop when you stop being a dick." "I don't love you. I love my family and maybe Jess and Casey. But I don't love you." "Well you have feelings for me then?" "Yes. Deep hate with a burning passion." "Then why do you kiss me all the time?" "I don't know. I guess it's just an escape from all the bad things." "So you're saying that I'm a good kisser? Even when I taste like trash?" "I'm not going to shove you this time." I punch his shoulder. "Feisty, that's how I like em'." "Ew." Toby comes out of the bathroom looking green. "Are you okay?" I ask standing up. "It's just all that bread I ate. I think I'm going to go home. Do you want me to drive you?" "I got it dude. She hasn't even eaten yet." "Oh, Hi Wesley. I didn't know that you'd be here." "Yeah well it is a public place so I'm allowed to be here. Don't worry about it man.
Go home and get some rest. I'll take her home. We're neighbors." "Okay see you soon Bianca!" "Feel better love you!" "Love you too." Toby leaves and Wesley turns to me with a look of disgust. "Love you. Love you too. I thought you said that love takes years upon years to develop. And you guys have only been dating for a year." "It's not like I'm going to say like you instead of love you. You're right I don't love him. I just have feelings for him." "Fine." I eat my pasta and Wesley pays for dinner. "Why did you pay Wesley?" "A gentleman always pays." He says smiling. "Well great job gentleman! Keep it up and I'll have to open a tab in your name!" "You are not going to pay me back one penny!" "Why not?" "Because a gentleman always pays." "This isn't a date." "I never said that it was. You did." "No I said it isn't." "Whatever, you're the one who mentioned it first." I laugh and he smiles at me. "What?" "You just look different. You don't look like Bianca Piper." "So you liked the overalls better?" I say laughing. "Wesley, you're the one that bought me the clothes." "Whatever you look good, just not like yourself." "So I look good huh?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "Don't get a big head." "Like yours?" "I don't have a big head!" "Really? I see it poking through the ceiling!" He laughs and puts his arm around me as we head to the car. "I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes." I close my eyes and grin. What could it be? He lays some kind of fabric in my hands. He come over to me and uses his fingers to lift my eyelids. I look down and see the dress in my hands. The one I glanced at in the store but thought it was too expensive. "Wesley, the dress? How much did you spend on this?" "It doesn't matter. You are not going to pay me back. It's the thought that counts. It's the least I can do for someone that I care about. I think back to what he said about that: "When Wesley Rush cares about things, he never lets anything bad happen to them and he never gives up!" I smile and squeeze his hand. We head home and Wesley drops me off at my house. "Thank you Wesley." "No problem." He pulls away and I watch him move into his driveway. "Bianca?" I jump and turn around. "You scared me dad." "Who was that?" "It was just Toby." "That's not Toby's car. It's Wesley's. If I ever see him around you again, you'll be in big trouble." "Dad." He storms into the house and upstairs. "We'll talk about this some other time so get some sleep. "Dad please don't do this!" He slams the door to his bedroom. I yell up the stairs. "I love him!" "That's exactly why you're never seeing him again!"

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now