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I walked out of his house thinking that this whole thing was ridiculous. I'm still cheating on Toby. I feel like a terrible person, yet I went back to his house and we did it many more times. A few months later I get ready to go to his house. I knock on his door three times and he opens it with the same smirk as always. "So what exactly are you escaping from while we do this?" He asks me in his room later that night. "I guess my dad. And school. Peer pressure. Trying to be popular." "Bianca, popularity doesn't matter. At least not to me, because I was just born with it." "It's not called popularity Wes, it's called being infamous. In your case you're infamous for being a man slut." "I can't disagree with you." He says laughing. "But you can stop being one. If you don't want this reputation then just stop." "My clients would be very disappointed. Like you." "Nope. That's why this makes what I'm about to do a lot easier. Wesley, I can't do this anymore. I know I say that all the time. But what am I really escaping from here? Besides the truth? The truth that I'm a cheater and I liar? I can't do this to Toby! Or to myself! Goodbye Wesley." I gather my things and wait outside for my ride to arrive. Just as Casey pulls in the driveway Wesley rushes outside. Get it? Wesley RUSHes? Ha that was good. He pulls on a shirt and kisses me on the lips. Not hard as usual. Soft like a goodbye kiss. "Bianca...I-" I cut him off and get in the car and drive away. From know on, there will be no Bianca and Wesley. Only Bianca and Toby. "Please explain why I'm picking you up at Wesley's this early in the morning." Casey says sleepily. "Well we were 'together' and I'm breaking it off with him." "Aww. I wanted you to be with him. Not that I wanted you to cheat on Toby, I just like the idea of you guys together." "Well it's over now." "You want to talk about it?" "No." Casey brings me to her house and she falls back asleep but I can't. Once again, I think about the one person I'm trying exceptionally hard NOT to think about! Around 4:00 pm Casey brings me back to my house and I knock on the door cautiously. My dad answers and I run into his arms. "Dad, I'm so sorry! I know that you don't approve of him, I ended things with him." "Honey I was about to call you, I do want you to be happy. You didn't let me finish on the phone. I don't like the idea of you being with him, but if he really makes you happy, I want you to." "I can't. I'm still dating Toby remember? I'm done with Wesley. I'm committing my time to Toby now."
"Does Toby make you happy?" "I don't know. I'm really confused dad. I need some fatherly advice." "I know this sounds cheesy, but I need you to follow your heart." "That's not as easy as it sounds. I'm going to experiment with Toby. We have a date on Thursday." "That's good honey." My dad leaves for work and I head upstairs. We have a day off today for Parent-Teacher-Conferences. I sit on the top stair and my eyes fill with tears. I start to cry and then I can't stop. I try to go upstairs and take a nap but once again, I just can't fall asleep. There's always something that cheers me up when I'm feeling down. Wesley. I fight the urge to go over there. I look over at his house and see the light on in his room. Probably sleeping with another girl. He moves onto the next so easy. But I don't. I can see under his curtain. The TV is on. He opens his curtain to let the sun in and sees me looking at him from my house. 'Stalker much?' He mouths. Behind him I see Call Of Duty on the screen and I feel relieved that he doesn't have a girl there. Wait? Am I jealous? No. I can't be. 'Open' he mouths and gestures to the window. I shake my head and close the curtain. I try to take a nap again and fall asleep in no time. I hear a noise out my window. It's raining. But it doesn't really sound like rain. I glance over at the clock. 3:30. I groan and put a pillow over my head. It sounds like....No. I walk over to the window and pull my shade up. A small object comes flying at me and I wince. Another object hits the window when I realize that it's a rock. I look down and spot a dark figure throwing them. I pop out the screen and lean down. "Throwing rocks at my dad's window isn't going to get you anywhere."I say. ""Wesley, what the hell are you doing at my house in the middle of the night? Are you drunk? Or high? What the hell? I know that we were together but it's over. I'm not going to be one of your booty calls Wes." "Thats not why I'm here." "Then what is it?" "Bianca I think that I'm-" "What the hell are you doing at my house in the middle of the night? Didn't I tell you to stay away from my daughter?" "I just can't do that sir." "Tell your story to the police." "You won't call the police on me. Your daughter loves me. Don't you Bianca?" "I...uh-" "I get it hon." My dad starts dialing. "All right I'm going. I'm going. I'll see you in school tomorrow Bianca." "Maybe you will but I'm not going to talk to you." I shut the window and fall back asleep. Goodbye Wesley.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now