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I wake up in confusion with someone's arms wrapped around me. I turn over and see Wesley smiling at me with that cocky grin of his. He covers my mouth before I can scream.
"Did we.....?" "NO! Unless you want to...." "I'll pass, you still smell like trash. And what the heck are you  doing in my house? I thought that you left last night!" "Well...I almost did but then it started to rain and I worried for my poor shirt's future!" "Wesley you need to get out of here!" I roll over and he pulls me toward him. "Not now! I need to take a shower." "Mind if I join?" "Yes I do mind! Stay the hell away while I'm in the shower!" "I also worry for the Earths plentiful resources. Especially the water. I believe that we should conserve it by using it at the same time." "Wesley I will use both hands to push you out the window at the same time!" I grab a change of clothes and head to the bathroom. Then I turn on the shower and wait until it gets hot. I'm minding my own business when the exact person I'm trying not to think about walks in. "Are you done yet?" "No!"No wonder you take so long in the shower! You're having your own personal concert in there! Sing me something will you?" My face must have turned scarlet red. "No get out!" He shuts the door and I'm in silence again. I start to sing my favorite song again. "Ooh it's so sexy when girls can sing." He looks in and I yank the curtain off the hook and cover myself with it. "WESLEY GET OUT! Go take a shower at your house! The rain is over!" "But it's so far!" "Give me a second!" I dry off and wrap myself in a towel. I walk out of the shower and he whistles. "I can take care of that towel for you." He reaches out a hand. "No thanks!" My dad walks in that exact moment. Now imagine to yourself how this looked: Me in a towel with a look of horror on my face and Wesley with his hand out ready to take my towel off. My dad's face must have been as white as snow. He blinks a couple times to make sure he's not seeing things. Wesley winks at me and jumps out the window. Unfortunately there's a bird bath in my backyard. I hear a large splash. "My shirt!" He wines. My dad looks out the window and sees him sprinting back to his house. "Stay the hell away from my daughter! Next time I see you here I'll kick your ass!" "Bianca! Did he do anything to you?" "No! Just creeped me out!" "I'll tell his parents what was going on!" "It's okay dad!" "No it's not! I'm calling right now! I knew that boy was trouble!"While my dad goes downstairs I run over to Wesley's to warn him. I knock on the front door and he opens it with a grin. "Finally realized your true love for me huh? That's why you're here?" "NO! My dad is about to call over here and speak with your parents. By the way what did you tell them happened last night?" "Hold on! I'm getting a call!" He answers the phone in a woman's voice. "Wesley? You must be mistaken! My son would never do anything like that! Oh well I'll have him apologize to her right now! Wesley! Mr. Piper is on the phone!" "Hello?" He says in a Wesley voice again.
"I'm terribly sorry. It will never happen again. Okay is there anyway I can repay you? I think that this was all a misunderstanding. I can mow your lawn, or water your plants? Okay. Again, I'm so sorry sir. I ran out like that because I didn't want you to get the wrong impression. Alright will do, bye." "What was that all about? Where are your parents?" "They needed some time away from home. They're fighting a lot these days." "Oh I'm sorry. I know what that's like. You can talk to me about it anytime." "Thanks Bianca. No one really gets me like you do." I leave Wesley's and go back up to the bathroom. I didn't realize it before, but on the mirror are the words: 'you know you love me'~Wes. I roll my eyes and rub it off. I know one thing for sure. Even if I did in the past, I do not love him.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now