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In school the next day, I'm miserable.  I take a lot of time analyzing all the cliques and groups to try to get an idea of who the D.U.F.F. is in each one.  Listen, I know Wes is an idiot. He probably made up the entire thing. He probably uses that on all girls getting them to feel sorry for themselves so they'll sleep with him. What a perverted pig. Even though this is the most logical explanation, I can't help checking the mirror every time I go to the bathroom. I guess with a little makeup and some shorter, tighter clothes....Okay stop B. Wes is just a boy and boys are pigs. Who cares what he or anyone else for that matter thinks?  Even with this advice I still tug on my dress and pull it down.  Madison walks in at this exact moment, followed by her two side bitches Brittany and Emma.  "Aww poor baby.  Tugging on your dress won't make them look any bigger. Bob the Builder just can't fix it this time." Brittany and Emma giggle and Madison snaps her fingers which makes them stop automatically.  "You know Madison, you might need Bob to come fix your two robots, they don't seem to be functioning right. Considering they'll never be as dumb as you."  This time Brittany and Emma don't laugh. Just the reaction I was looking for. "Don't even get me started on dumb.  You couldn't even answer-" "Hey, what's going on B?" Jess says entering with my other best friend Casey.  "Nothing just telling Bianca how dumb I was not to ask her where she got that 'cute' dress earlier. We were just leaving."The robots snickered as she left with them in tow not far behind. "Don't let her get to you B." Casey consoled me. "Nah, she doesn't.  Who cares what she says."  "That's the spirit!" Jess says.  They check their makeup quick then leave.  Good. Alone. At last. I close my eyes and my peaceful thoughts are interrupted when someone swings the door open.  "Get the hell out of here Wes! This is the girls' bathroom!"
"Oh, it is? I get the signs confused." "How many times have you used that excuse before?" "I don't know what you're talking about!" Wes declares with a grin. "I'll be going now!" He announces to me as the door swings shut once again.  I kick open an empty stall and sit on the toilet and unzip my lunch. I've only seen people eat in the bathroom in movies. This peanut butter sandwich sucks! I feel my cheeks getting hot and my eyes start to water. Then I just explode, and before I know it, I'm sobbing into my lunchbox. I wipe away my tears with scratchy toilet paper and sit there for a while to make sure that I'm done. Then I trudge over to the dirty old mirror and splash some water on my splotchy face. If doesn't look like I've been crying does it? I need to go give Wes a piece of my mind. I grab my lunch off the floor and slam the door behind me. I enter the lunchroom in a hurry and I have to scan the crowd for a while before I spot the familiar over gelled mess. I tap him on the shoulder and wait until he turns around. "One second girls." The girls sigh and leave the table to go chat in the corner. Probably to go gossip about why I'm talking to someone like Wes. "Hey, what's up B?" "What's up?! I think you know damn right what's up! What the hell is this whole D.U.F.F. Thing?" "Just like it seems Bianca. Designated. Ugly. Fat. Friend. You're not special or anything Bianca. Every group has one. It's just someone who may not be as pretty or popular as the others in the group. That doesn't mean that they have to be ugly or fat. The purpose of the Duff is simple. They're the approachable one who makes it possible to get in good with the others, almost like a wingman or something. I mean look at you, you're not really that unattractive." Good thing I have soda with me today. Orange, my favorite color. I throw it in Wesley's face to the amusement of his friends who 'ooooohh' and wince as the orange drips off his chin down his fancy new button up. "You know Wesley, it's such a shame that you wear such nice clothes, because everything that comes out of your mouth ruins your outfit." I turn on my heel and sashay right out of that cafeteria. As much as I hate Madison, I understand the whole sashay thing.

High School Unexpected              *Based off of the DUFF*Where stories live. Discover now