Chapter 6 - Oh, don't go losing sleep

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Oh, don't go losing sleep

The room was dark but enough light filtered into the private room for Harry to see Blake's grimace as he pushed a nurses trolley into the room and locked the door. In a fit of panic Harry tried to sit up but the shock of pain emanating from his ribs rendered him gasping for air.

Blake walked quickly to Harry's side and covered his mouth. His hands stank of cigarettes and Harry could see the cuts and bruises all over his calloused knuckles. Harry's eyes were wide and his heart pounded into his chest as he looked up into Blake's face.

He donned a blue nurses shirt with an id badge that hung from his pocket, a small clock also dangled over the id cleverly obscuring the photo on the small laminated card. No doubt, the photo would reveal Blake had stolen the uniform.

Despite his ragged appearance he looked the part, like a regular hospital staff member but behind the false expression Harry could see the menace in his eyes. He wore straight, well pressed navy trousers and a stethoscope around his neck. The thick ornate lettering of his tattoos snaked around his neck and slightly peeked above the collar of his shirt. Blake smiled in genuinely down at Harry who was saturated with fear.

Harry tried to pry Blake's hand from his mouth but he was too weak. Dark bags encircled Blake's eyes and his hair was greasy, Harry could see the remnants of dried blood in his hairline. It was pulled back into a ponytail where the back of his neck was stained red, his other hand hung limp at his side and Harry observed him wince each time his body moved or shifted.

Harry blinked several times peering through the darkness to make sure it really was Blake Price standing in front of him.

How the hell did he get into this room? Why didn't Abigail say anything, did she even know what Blake looked like? Where was security?

Harry's mind raced with unanswered questions and Blake leant lazily against the bed as he slowly stroked Harry's curly hair with his free hand.

"You know," he began, hand still pressed firmly against Harry's mouth. "I'm surprised at how easy it was to get to you Mr. Styles. Dakota talked about you as if you were this untouchable God." Blake trailed his finger down Harry's face and laughed, "She obviously had a warped sense of reality..." he tiled his head meeting Harry's frightened eyes. "Don't you think?"

"What do you want?" Harry's words were muffled between Blake's fingers.

"Well..." Blake looked to the door and then back at Harry, he was unreasonably calm considering the circumstances. Harry wondered whether Blake had finally lost his mind after Dakota's death. Or, was Blake always this broken?

"Let's see," Blake began to remove his hand but Harry took in a painfully deep breath, preparing to scream for help.

Blake's large hand swiftly slammed back to Harry's opened mouth and he scowled. Leaning closer, in one quick motion his shoved his fingers into Harry's ribs. Harry gasped in a spasm of agony and Blake removed his hand as Harry leant over the edge of the bed and vomited from the pain.

"Still want to scream for help?" Blake asked, an amused expression washed over his tired features.

Harry shook his head fervently, he clutched at his stomach and his eyes watered.

"I can't hear you?" Blake hissed.

"No," Harry gasped, his face was red as he groaned. "No, no I wont say anything... please."

Blake stared at him tapping his chin for a moment before he patted Harry on the head and said, "Good boy."

"What..." Harry grasped to find the strength to speak but the pain in his ribs was excruciating. "What do you want?" He blurted, breathlessly.

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