Chapter 15 - Tread on the line of guilt trips

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Tread on the line of guilt trips

Harry woke with a start, he was surprised to have slept at all after the nightmares that had been following him every time he closed his tired eyes. Dakota’s bloody face was etched on his eyelids, with hesitation he blinked into the light of the room and she was gone. For now. 

Memories of the previous night filtered into his consciousness, both good and bad and Harry couldn’t fight the smile that tickled on the edges of his lips. Yawning he blinked profusely trying to wake up fully and turned over hoping to see the serene image of Louis dreaming peacefully beside him. He was greeted with an empty bed and frowned, reaching out to feel the warmth of Louis’ body on the sheets. They were cold and he gulped sitting up, “Lou?” He called. 

There was no reply and from where he was sitting he could see the bathroom was empty. Wet towels lay sopping on the wet floor and he groaned. Standing up, naked he stretched and looked around at the mess they made. A pile of clothes were folded neatly on a chair in the corner of the room and he smiled, knowing Louis had left them for him. Padding along the soft brown carpet he pulled on the underpants and black sweats. He ran a hand through his frizzy hair and yawned, stretching his body. He winced as a shooting pain exploded through his chest and his arms flew down reflexively to his sides. With a frown he rubbed his face as he swung the door of the bedroom open, expecting to see Louis perched up on the couch with a cup of tea in one hand and iPhone in the other. 

To his surprise Liam was sprawled out on the couch dead asleep with his head in Niall’s lap. Niall’s blonde mop of hair was resting against the back of the couch, mouth open as he snored. One of his hands was on Liam’s shoulder the other resting on the edge of the couch his phone dropped onto the floor where he had fallen asleep and lost grip on it. Harry blinked in surprise but banked the image of the two snuggled together into his mind, Zayn was curled up on the armchair with his arms wrapped around himself. Harry’s eyes trailed to the wall where the frightening photo’s had once been. The wall was blank, bits of bluetack still stuck to the wall and a large red smear where someone had done a poor job of cleaning off the lipstick warning. His mind kicked back into gear the moment his eyes met the wall, Harry almost stumbled back at the sheer speed of his thoughts. Pushing them aside he tiptoed into the room, looking at the small kitchenette but Louis was no where to be seen. His stomach began to perform backflips from the anxiety that began to grow. Where was he?

Breathing changed and Niall looked up with one eye to see Harry. “Hey,” he whispered, his voice croaky. 

Harry smiled. 

Niall shook Liam gently before Harry could stop him and Liam groaned as he opened his eyes. Sleepily he looked at Harry and then blinked, eyes widening he sat up. Holding his head as the blood rushed quickly to his brain. “You’re up,” he smiled. 

“What are you doing here?” Harry whispered. 

“I’m not asleep,” Zayn replied with his eyes still firmly shut. 

Harry smirked and sat down on the opposite armchair, “Have you seen Louis?”

Niall shook his head as he stretched out his arms, “wasn’t he in there with you?”

Harry nodded, “He was but now he’s gone.”

“What time is it?” Zayn yawned opening his eyes now. 

Liam looked at his watch, “Little past nine,” he replied. 

Zayn groaned grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his face. His voice was muffled as he replied, “Too fucking early.”

Niall smirked as he fumbled for his phone. 

“The floor,” Harry pointed. 

“You okay?” Liam asked as Niall reached over the arm of the couch to pick up his phone. 

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