Chapter 24 - I wonder if this could be love

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I wonder if this could be love?

Louis sat completely still, an entanglement of nerves and fear ran like hot barbs of electricity beneath his skin. He stared blankly at his glass of wine, watching the way it shimmered as the golden liquid caught the lights. Everyone was silent, sounds from the busy restaurant flowed through the open door, a relentless wave of noise that suddenly was deafening. Louis eyes didn't leave the glass but he felt the tension that rippled through the room, Rachel spoke up but he heard nothing and the boys stayed silent. Liam's hand rested in Louis back making small cirlces on his blazer, a silent reminder to him that he wasn't alone. But he felt alone, he felt the walls come crashing down the moment Harry blurted his conversation with Ava in slurred bitter words. He strung the bombshell together so intricately each word was like a knife wrenching into his gut. When Harry left, the knives twisted. When the table went silent, the knives cut deeper and the longer Harry's absence was felt, the more unwearable those invisible knives became.

The tears fell like gentle rain down his face and his shoulders shook. But, like rain in spring they ceased leaving a damp glistening trail down his flushed cheeks.

Louis looked up now, the fear of impending judgement writhed within him and he met Nialls sad eyes.

Niall sighed and forced a small smile, "he'll come back," he whispered before looking away, unable to watch Louis fall apart.

Porter whistled and rubbed his face with his hands in exhaustion. "I was not expecting that," he said leaning back.

His words cut the silence and everyone erupted at once. Zayn swore standing up he rushed out to find Harry, unsure of what exactly he was going to find.

Rachel picked up her phone and angrily dialled, she began screaming into the receiver like a scorned banshee and Niall just watched her, confused.

Liam lent in, he turned Louis to face him. "Lou," he said gently.

Louis blinked in surprise as he left the torturous nightmares in his mind and settled back into his haunting new reality. "I'm fine," he whispered, not believing it.

"No," Liam shook his head, "you're not."

"I said I'm fine," he snapped.

"Louis that was a lot to handle, you can talk to me I'm here and-"

"He said he's fine," Harry's soft voice filled the air around them and Louis jumped.

Liam turned to Harry who was holding the back of Louis chair for balance. "Harry are you-"

"Also, fine." He said with a beaming expression and slumped into his chair.

Louis' heart began to hammer in his chest, his eyes burnt and he felt glued to the spot. He turned to open his mouth several times but closed it prematurely, finding no words would suffice.

Rachel slammed her phone on the table and ran her hand over her slick hair, "That was not how you were supposed to find out Harry I'm sorry." She sounded sincere but Louis couldn't fight the scowl that covered his safe, he wanted to believe her but he knew managers, they were spectacular liars.

Harry cooly turned to meet her worried gaze and smiled, "but I did find out so let's not worry."

"Not worry?" Louis blurted. "Jesus Harry this isn't you, scream, cry for fuck sake do something."

Harry looked over at Louis and shrugged, "I don't have anything to say," he replied sipping his drink.

Niall grabbed the glass from his hand, "don't you think you've had enough?" He asked.

Harry glowered, "after the day I've had, I think I deserve to wind down."

Liam shook his head, "There's a difference between winding down and getting blind drunk, Harry."

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