Chapter 11 - Into another night's arms

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A/N - Hello my lovelies. I am sorry for the delay. As some of you know I tore two ligaments in my knee, have been flat out with work and life BUT do not fear. I am back on track. Might be a bit of a delay this week because of my work training schedule but I will do the best I can. There is so much in store. Can't wait to hear your theories on this chapter and the new characters. Working on longer chapters now, so the wait might seem long but it will be worth it. I love you all so much - SherlockSweetheart


Into another night’s arms

The hotel room was stuffy, it was warm keeping out the icy winds swirling around the hub of Londoners city but tension ran thick in the air. Rachel Taylor, only five foot two stood in her tall Jimmy Choo stilettos holding a glass of wine as she stared down at her MacBook’s glowing screen. She arched her back and stretched having sat at the long mahogany table for hours now, trying to do serious damage control for Modest! Management. She held a Masters in Communication - Public Relations and a Masters in Social Media Marketing, she had spent the last five years studying like crazy and climbing her way up the ladder to get an opportunity like this but suddenly it was all too real and she was terrified. Modest had picked her up after she excelled the name of Ava Collins and slaved away at hiding all the cracks in Ava’s career, she signed the contract instantly and still couldn't quite wrap her head around the pay packet. But stepping in after the hell that Valerie Price had created for One Direction these past few months sent her mind reeling and her hands clutching into copious amounts of wine glasses. 

Rachel was beautiful in her own rights, she embodied the ’good girl’ persona but everyone in the industry knew she was ruthless when it came to the celebrities she managed. She was petite with shoulder length brown hair that held a slight wave, framing her face. With dark brown eyes ringed with almost black her lashes framed them perfectly. She had a soft round face, gentle smile and rosy red cheeks, always dressed to the nines there wasn't much Rachel didn't know.

That's why along with her flawless resume, Modest had scoped her out desperate for help. It was all still very hush hush so she stayed at a different hotel waiting to meet with the new Image Consultant and Social Media guru, Porter Vance. When the drama died down, if it ever would they would swoop in and launch the boys to a new level of notoriety, slowly mending all the mistakes Valerie and her team of, as Paul liked to call them, ’bumbling idiots’ had made over the past months. 

She sighed sitting down and opening the new contracts made for the boys, if they were anything like shed heard these contracts were certainly not going to sit well with the five singers. She reminded herself, it's not up to them to like their contracts, without management they would seriously suffer. So, in her warped defence she felt she was doing the right thing. It always made it easier for Rachel to not get too close to those she worked for, Jennifer was a perfect example of why. She lay in intensive care covered in tubes and machines, unconscious and Rachel felt her stomach twinge when she remembered visiting the poor girl. One thing was for sure, that relationship, between Jennifer and Liam, despite how secret they thought they were being would have to stop and soon. 

Sipping the wine she looked at twitter and groaned, leaked images of Harry in hospital were spreading like wild fire. Flipping open her phone she rapped her nails impatiently against the table as she waited. 

“Vince,” she said. “Yeah it's me, we need the photos and footage of Harry Styles at the hospital deleted.” She paused as he spoke. “Yeah I know it shouldn't have happened, can you do it?” She sighed rolling her eyes, “I don't care how get on the fake fan accounts and start reporting them. I'll call Tash to start suspending the accounts,” she exhaled as he interrupted. “I know, they're crafty as hell. Email the girl claiming to have snapped the photos, threaten legal action...” She waited and nodded, “yes and tell her if she leaks the email or doesn't claim them as fake well sue her.” He argued back and she pursed her lips, “ethical, whatever just do it. Yes, I know but a girl that age won't have the money trust me, she'll back down.” She smiled now, sighing in relief, “let me know when it's done, I'll be awake. Thanks.”

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