Chapter 23 - To let me know you were okay

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To let me know you were okay 

The waiter came back balancing a large tray of tequila shots and Rachel cheered, clapping her manicured hands together with delight. Porter was entranced as he watched her and smiled, it was a genuine smile that lit up his face and Zayn was surprised. He raised his eyebrows, it was the first genuine thing he had ever seen Porter do. Porter caught Louis gaze and cleared his throat looking away. Then Zayn noticed Louis, no matter how hard he tried continued to find his eyes drawn to Harry like a moth to a flame. It warmed him inside to see that they both still harboured such an uncontrollable magnetism to each other, no matter the situation they always found each other. Zayn looked up at the ceiling as a large circle was cut out to hold the array of oversized lights that hung decoratively. The chairs they sat in were a tall, comfortable grey that matched the floors. The back wall of the room was doused with wallpaper, it was etched with clean, white geometric lines that darted and scrawled along the wall. In the centre of the table a lazy susan surrounded a beautiful vase of white lilies and candles. He had to admit, no matter how much he disliked management they had good taste. 

Zayn nudged Harry and whispered, “why are they trying to liquor us up, another bombshell coming?”

Harry swallowed a mouthful of his steak and laughed, his eyes were glassy and there was no doubt in Zayn’s mind that when Harry stood up he would be unstable as hell. “Probably, knowing management they’ll probably announce they’re kicking us all out of the band or something.”

Zayn smiled, “or something.”

Harry arched an eyebrow, “Know something I don’t?”

Zayn cleared his throat, “Nah,” he shook his head as a pang of guilt resided in his gut.

He held up a shot and in the other hand lemon. Zayn picked up the salt and Harry licked his hand. Zayn shook the salt over his hand and Harry giggled like a child as he licked the salt, downed the shot and then bit the lemon pulling a hilarious face. Zayn laughed and followed suit, he noticed Louis staring at them, jealous or angry at Zayn for encouraging Harry’s drinking, he wasn’t sure. 

“Slow down,” Niall hissed loudly at Harry. “I know you’re angry or whatever but haven’t we all learnt by now that drinking is not the answer?”

Harry held up his wine, “Oh be quiet silly Niall.”

Niall laughed at Harry and then frowned, “Harry I’m serious.”

“So am I,” Harry smiled. “Let me have a good time.”

Niall hesitated and then turned to Rachel, “So…”

“So?” She said smiling as she scrunched up her face from the sour lemon. 

“You and Porter?” Niall smirked. 

Harry kicked Niall under the table and Rachel flinched. “No, just friends.”

Niall laughed, it was loud and booming and he held his stomach. “Whatever you say Publicist.”

“I’m serious!” her voice was shrill as she put her hands on her hips. 

“Here,” Niall rolled his eyes and shoved another shot into her hand, “Go again, maybe it’ll make you be less deceitful.”

She scowled and opened her mouth to snap at him but Porter cut in, “So baby spice, why aren’t you seeing anyone?”

Niall glared, “Why does it matter?”

“Just wondering,” Porter smiled behind his glass. “I can set you up if you like!”

“Perhaps you could send him to Los Angeles, I hear Ava Collins will be in town,” Harry said and everyone nearly choked on their food. 

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