Chapter 13.1 - Built to last they disintegrate

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Songs for the chapter: 

‘Metal & Dust' - London Grammar

‘If you wait' - London Grammar


A/N Due to my crazy work schedule this chapter has been broken into part one and two. Hope thats okay, I know how much you all love cliffhangers. Happy Reading. Comment let me know what you think so I know I’m not just writing for myself. Love you always, -SherlockSweetheart


Built to last they disintegrate

Louis padded through the hallway, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Zayn was quiet and it wasn’t until they rounded the corridor that he felt his stomach lurch and a cascade of apprehension stir beneath his skin. Security lined the quiet hall, police entered and exited a door up ahead and no matter how hard Louis tried to pretend it wasn’t his room. He knew, deep down that they were in his room. 

Room 219.

He and Harry’s room. 

He stopped in his tracks and drew in his breath quickly, raising a hand to stop Zayn who was stumbling half asleep along the hallway. Zayn looked up and scrunched up his face, he mumbled something but Louis didn’t hear him. He stared intently at the chaos encompassing the small room, people came and went carrying cameras and iPads. Police, security and Valerie who slithered out and followed one officer around the next corner. She noted Louis’ presence but didn’t bother to react simply turning her attention back on the officer and listening intently. For a small hotel it was suddenly alive and humming with people, Louis felt immediately ill with trepidation. 

Without realising it, he was running down the hall as his heart battered against the walls of his chest. “What’s going on?”

Peter, a burly minder with a background in martial arts and head of their Security stood with his hands resting on his thighs and his eyes closed. He opened one eye and stiffened as he saw Louis approaching. He stood now barricading the hall and Louis’ hands fisted by his thighs. “Louis,” he spoke, his voice like gravel crunching beneath heavy boots. 

“What’s going on?” Louis asked breathlessly. 

Zayn was peering over Peter’s shoulder trying to see into the room, his eyes flickered to Louis and then focused on Peter. His lips pursed and he brushed his hair from his eyes as he panted from running. “Tell us!” He demanded. 

“Boys, go back to your room.” Peter replied. 

“No,” Louis shook his head. “This is my room.”

“Not tonight,” he replied.

Louis frowned, raising his voice, “excuse me?”

“You need to go back to your room, everything will be fine in the morning.” Peter folded his muscled arms across his chest and stared down at them. Compared to Louis, Peter loomed over them. 

Louis didn’t back down, “You need to tell us what’s going on.”

“Look,” Peter sighed. “It’s not up to me who goes in there.”

Zayn shook his head, “Then who?”

“Harry’s asked-“ he closed his mouth, Louis could tell he was internally scolding himself. 

Louis frowned, “Harry’s at the hospital.”

“Isn’t he?” Zayn asked. 

Louis was trying to slip past Peter now, “Is he in there?”

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