Chapter 41 - Avenge me

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Avenge me

Blake's head was throbbing and his vision was blurred, he blinked profusely and before he could regain his bearings there were hands yanking him into an upright position. The collar of I his jacket was gripped so tightly it was almost blocking off his airwaves, his head was damp, probably blood.


His mind raced, this wasn't supposed to happen, he was meant to be in control. But that bitch had betrayed him just like he suspected she would. Damn Daisy, she had too much heart just like her fucking sister and now as he blinked again he could hardly breathe. He should have done it on his own, seeking revenge was a one person show. She looked too much like Dakota, sounded, hell she even tasted like his girl. But he knew, deep down no matter how much he pretended it was Dakota, she was gone. Dead. Forever she would be six feet under and no drugs in the world would bring her back. Guilt rattled through his tired bones, a ceaseless wave of despair. It hung over him like a heavy dark cloud and in those moments of clarity, when his hands shook and his body beaded with sweat from withdrawerals he saw the truth. Blake could hardly recognise the man he saw in the mirror, a mere reflection of the person he once was.

He wasn't always so fickle, once his veins pumped blood and his mind was intrigued by the world. Hungry for knowledge and desperate for acceptance he found a home with that lost girl all those years ago. Her green eyes looked past the hurt and pain, she saw the love he had to give and he'd promised her the world. He would have hung the moon in the sky for her if she'd asked.

He would have jumped too.

But she didn't ask.

She had left him, she left from the roof like a bird in free fall with the wind in her hair and the world at her feet. He knew in those moments she found peace and what hurt the most... That peace wasn't with him. She had found an escape, he once provided her with the solace she desired. He held her in his arms and they watched the world pass idly by. Once Blake saw love in her eyes, they vowed to spend an eternity together, travel the world. Vows, however are so easily broken and her tear stained face saw only deceit.

He tried so many times to stop the drugs, the money was too tempting. Blake lied to himself, he did it all for her. But as his brain faded into the highs he so desperately sought, logic trickled away. He ignored the fear in her green eyes, the twisted smiles that were forced. Cracks started forming, cracks he had promised to fix. But instead of fixing their problems, he made them worse. So bad in fact he smashed down their glass house and took her spirit with him.

Faded light filtered through his heavy eyes and he groaned her name. Darkness swirled on the precipice of consciousness and he tried to see her face.

Dakota was everything to him, Dakota was dead.

Because of him.

Blake wanted to blame Harry for everything, deluded himself into believing Harry was the cause. He was the cure for her. But he wasn't, he proved to be nothing but a liar and psychopath. Now as time flickered by he saw nothing of his former self. In fact, he hated what he had become. What he had done.

"Open your eyes you son of a bitch," the words were hissed like venom from a vipers tongue. Blake recognised the voice instantly.

"How," he mumbled.

There was a hard slap to his face and when his eyes shot open he saw Harry, pale and fuming. His mind raced, how the fuck had they found him so quickly? Was Harry going to kill him? Shit.

"No," Blake struggled beneath Harry's vice grip but Harry held him tightly. Blake looked around, Daisy was quickly untying Louis hands and feet. She flashed him a glance and visibly shuddered. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, seeing her afraid of him. It made him sick to know so many feared him. This wasn't who he was, was it?

Harry shook Blake visibly, "you wanted me, here I am."

Blake blinked, "fuck you," he spat finding his resolve as quickly as he'd lost it.

Harry grimaced, pleased to see Blake was going to fight back. It would make things easier to live with if Blake fought, Harry laughed dryly. "Please. Piss me off," Harry taunted.

"Fuck you. Fag!" Blake shouted.

"Harry," Louis voice was hoarse and Blake smirked when he saw Harry look tenderly at Louis. Yet, Louis looked nauseous and turned away. "Harry you need to get out of here," Louis begged, raising a shaking hand to his mouth.

Harry craned his head, never releasing his grip on Blake he smiled, "not without you."

"Harry I..." Louis turned falling into Daisy's arms and she frowned but held him.

"Louis," Harry's voice sounded pained.

Louis' hand shot to his mouth and Daisy held up the bucket as he was sick. Harry let out a confused whimper and Blake laughed maliciously. Harry's eyes shot back to Blake, "what have you done."

"Oh," Blake mocked. "Something wrong?"

"What's wrong with him?"

Blake sneered, "I think the question you need to ask is... What's wrong with you."

Harry frowned, "I don't-"

Louis cut him off, "they fed me drugs, they've made me..." Blake noted Louis wasn't meeting Harry's eyes. "They've made my body accustomed to..." He turned away once more.

Harry's anger bubbled and he shook Blake, "what did you do?" He screamed and when Blake didn't answer he slammed Blake's bleeding head into the heavy floor with a loud crack.

Although Blake was internally writhing with pain, he managed a wicked laugh. "Louis boy can't even bear the sight of you without growing violently I I'll..." Harry's eyes darted between Louis and Blake.

"Management should probably give me a wage for setting that little trick in motion."

"What?" Harry was dumbfounded and he shook his head, "no I don't understand."

"I wouldn't expect you to, your an idiot Harry styles." Blake smirked, "I warned you, an eye for an eye."

"How long?" Harry said between gritted teeth his slender hands snaked around Blake's throat and he tightened them. 

Blake choked, gasping for breath and he just spat in Harry's face.

Harry shook him now, his hands so tight Blake was beginning to see black spots in his vision. "I asked you a question."

Blake narrowed his eyes, "permanent, perhaps not..."

Harry gasped.

"Only time will tell," Blake teased.

"You don't have much time," Harry snarled.

"Harry no," Louis whimpered.

Blake laughed, pushing Harry to his limits. Harry's hand connected with Blake's face and a Blake tried to catch his breath Harry pulled out the taser.

"You wouldn't kill me," Blake smirked, "you couldn't."

Harry glanced at Daisy, "get him out of here," he hissed directing it at Louis.


"I said go," he spat.

Louis whimpered, "please don't."

Harry stood up and shoved the taser into Blake's legs volts of electricity shot through him and his body locked as he screamed out in agony.

"Let's dance psycho," Harry stood up and grimaced.

Blake saw Daisy yanking Louis to his feet, dragging him kicking and screaming to the door. He was too weak to fight her and when the door slammed Blake was gasping for breath as he stumbled to his feet spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"You're dead Styles," he hissed.

Harry laughed, "not if I kill you first."

Sirens wailed in the background and Blake heard Dakotas soft voice once more on the edges of his blurred mind, 'avenge me..."

And he planned to, until his last breath, he planned to.

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