Chapter 10 - It's in my head

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It's in my head

With a heavy sigh Louis walks through the corridors as it bustles with a hive of activity. The anxiety from leaving Harry at the hospital is overwhelming but he puts on a brave face. Despite the total chaos of their lives these past few weeks, Louis feels more relaxed then he can remember.

After a long night with Harry they spent the day talking playfully and singing to each other, Louis read Harry hundreds of tweets from concerned fans. There was no management, no police, no lawyers or journalists. Only the two of them in their unexpected paradise, a private hospital room with the curtains drawn and flowers covering every available surface.

Louis didn't realise just how much he'd missed his relationship with Harry, the way it used to be until it was gone. But sitting beside him, kissing his fingers and planning their wedding was the most blissful thing Louis had done in days. Harry smiled sadly as security had told them of the hotel change, he was the one who convinced Louis to leave.

"I'm fine,' he whispered between hastened kisses and Louis searched his face. When he was sure, he left the room promising if Harry needed him, he'd be back in an instant.

They were both pleasantly surprised and relieved that there had been no further run-ins with Valerie, she was on the warpath and Louis knew if she pushed him any further he'd finally snap. A

Through Louis was usually the joker, reserved to laughter instead of tears. When he did lose his temper it was loud, erratic and sometimes violent. Management had tried to reign him in in several occasions but when it came to the boys, the band and especially Harry, well, he couldn't control himself. There was a flash and startled he looked up to see a paparazzo hidden behind the thin privacy curtain of a bed. Security were up in arms, raised voices rendered the corridor cleared of all onlookers and after threatening to sue the paparazzo, red faced and huffing deleted the photos.

The two security guards walked with their heads held high and Louis between them. Louis shuffled his feet as he avoided the gazes from visitors and staff, he couldn't stand the sadness in their eyes. They suggested against seeing Liam and sending him straight to the hotel, Louis decided maybe Zayn could use the company. After all, they were all going through this dilemma not just he and Harry. He felt guilty, after the incident on the roof the world had stopped and everything revolved around Harry. As he walked, head bowed avoiding the sympathy and scrutiny he chastised himself vowing to not be so selfish.

Niall, surprisingly went from complete hatred against Liam to unaltered love. He had yet to leave Liam's side and the thought made Louis smile. He had been receiving constant updates on how Liam was and for that Louis was grateful, but the constant unknown with Jennifer was eating away at them all. Louis was surprised Niall had handled the news so well, they expected him to lose his temper and perhaps beat Liam to a pulp. Worse, he could completely ice Liam out and it would create a huge rift between them all. As a band and as brothers when they fought, no matter how big or small it was a gaping wedge driven between them and Louis hated it.

"Wait here," a gruff voice said and pulled from his reverie Louis looked up as one stayed with him and the other walked through the large double doors. As soon as they opened an onslaught of flashing cameras began to click and Louis groaned.

"It'll be okay Mr. Tomlinson," the larger of the two guards whispered looking down at him.

Louis smiled but said nothing as he took a deep breath. "Your cars here," the other called out poking his scruffy black hair through the doors at them.

Louis started to walk but the bald guard paused, "wait," he said. Louis raised an eyebrow and the guard tugged at his jacket, "cover your face."

Louis sighed, "what's the point?"

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