XLIII - Ontari

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So much of this chapter is listed as a spelling error. Apparently Google Docs doesn't think Trigedaslang is a real language. Pfffft stupid Google. :')

Enjoy! (Sorry it's so short :/)

(I was writing half of this on my phone and iT KEPT AUTO CORRECTING ONTARI TO ONTARIO

Like YASSSSSS MY HOME PROVINCE but I mean really auto correct? 


k bye


Chapter Fourty-Three

Neither of us slept for the rest of the night. For me, it was because of the anxiety that racked through me constantly. For Murphy, it was because he wasn't going to relax until I did. When Clarke woke up, she didn't rest. Hell, she didn't even sit down. She kept on walking around, avoiding the bed as much as she possibly could.

The horns echoed through the air, and Clarke stood at the windows.

"The conclave must be starting," she said.

"Cool," Murphy said, getting up from where he had sat down on the bed. "You see anything?"

He walked over to the window, and Clarke continued to glare at him. It seemed that she still held a grudge over Finn's death, and now she appeared to be relating Lexa's death to him too.

"Oh, come on," Murphy scoffed, walking to the window while Clarke moved away from it. "Bunch of grounders fighting to the death to see who gets the A.I. drilled in their brain, that doesn't sound fun to you?"

I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed over my chest.

I watched Clarke carefully, and saw her stare down at the bed. It didn't matter that we had moved the blankets and sheets, she still held many memories of Lexa dying there. She suddenly turned and went to the door, hitting it with her fists.

"Clarke!" I said, going over to her and pulling her away from it. "Clarke, that won't help..."

"Hey, Clarke," Murphy said as he walked to us. His expression turned grim. "I-I'm sorry... I know how much she meant to you."

Clarke shook her head. "This has nothing to do with me. We need to make sure that Aden wins."

We all turned to the doors when a clicking sound was heard, and I knew that someone was unlocking it. The doors were pushed open, and Titus walked in.

"What, you come here to finish the job?" Murphy said through clenched teeth, suddenly seeming defensive of Clarke and I. I noticed that he tried to move in front of me, but I put my arm out in front of him to stop him.

"No. I'm here to fulfill my vow to Lexa. Put these on," He said, handing me three coats. I looked down at them with uncertainty, then back up at him, and handed one to Clarke and one to Murphy before slipping mine on.

Clarke was unsure, while Murphy put his on immediately.

"Look," Murphy said, gesturing to the doors. "The door we were banging on for the last 24 hours is open. Let's use it."

Clarke threw the coat back at Titus, anger flaring in her eyes. "You killed your commander! How are you still free?!"

"I'm the only Fleimkepa," Titus explained. "Now please, if you go now, you can slip in with the crows arriving for tomorrow's conclave."

"You heard the man, alright? Let's-"

"I need to see Aden first," Clarke interrupted Murphy.

"That's out of the question. The Natblidas have begun the Purification Ritual."

"I'm not sure if we should go, Clarke," I said, but she ignored me. She was rather determined, as always.

"Where?" she asked.

Reluctantly, Titus took us to the room where all of the Nightbloods were. They were knelt down on their knees on the floor, while Aden was sprinkling red dust upon Lexa's body, which was covered in a white sheet and surrounded by red flower petals.

"They're just kids..." Murphy whispered to me.

I nodded. "But they have learned from the best."

Titus went to speak to Aden and told him that Clarke wished to speak with him, and Aden went towards Clarke while Murphy and I stayed a little farther back.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," Clarke said.

"Would you like a moment with her?" he asked, gesturing to Lexa's body.

Clarke shook her head after a moment. "No. I'm here to see you... You made a promise to support my people."

"If Heda's spirit chooses me," Aden added.

"Yes. Will you still?"

"We all will," Aden said, turning to the other Nightbloods. Clarke did the same. "Lexa made each of us vow it," he swallowed. "We loved her."

Someone suddenly spoke in Trigedaslang from outside the doors, before a man came into the room, followed by a woman. He stood tall and seemed almost regal, and it only took me a moment to realize that this was Roan, the man that Lexa and Clarke had told me about only days before.

"You," the woman suddenly said, anger taking over her features as she lunged forwards and charged at Clarke. Aden tried to prevent it, but the woman was far stronger than him and threw him to the side.

She tackled Clarke and pulled a knife, but Titus and I were both there to stop her. I took her wrist in my hand and stopped it from moving, while Titus stood by me.

"No," Titus growled, and she glared at us both.

"Put the knife down, Ontari," Roan said.

"Your mother is death because of her," Ontari growled.

"You will obey your King."

Ontari looked down with an expression of defeat. She let go of the knife, and Titus took it while I released her wrist.

"An unfortunate fact we have her to thank for, as well."

She stood up, and so did Clarke with my assistance.

"No matter," Ontari said, staring Clarke in the eye while everyone else seemed frozen in shock. "When I am Heda and the king bows to me, you and every last member of Skaikru will die."

This woman was trouble, I knew that for a fact. Now, the only choice was to decide whether or not we would allow her to live long enough to cause any problems.

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