Chapter 9- Then

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Chapter 9- Then

-Ashton's POV-

Halloween. Holiday of champions. Maybe.

Because, you know, we don't get off school. So just maybe.

It's been almost two months now since Madison moved here. She came in the beginning of September, and now it's the end of October. And I've started to realize something.

Since I met her, I've become a completely different person. I mean, I'm still quiet at school when I'm not around her, and I don't really talk to anyone but her, but I've definitely changed. I'm definitely happier now that she's here. I've never exactly been this happy when I'm not banging on a drumset.

When she first came here, she was funny, and I loved that about her. I mean, she still is, but that's not the only thing I love about her. I love how carefree she is, and the way her dark hair just falls around her shoulders. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my mother was right all those weeks ago. I really do like Madison.

As in, more than a friend.

So, tonight, we were going to a Halloween carnival, just the two of us.

You know, as friends.

Our costumes?

Batman and Robin.

Well, Batgirl and Robin.

I had an old Robin costume, so I would go as Robin while Maddy went as Batgirl. My idea, not hers. I let her be the superhero, and I'd be the sidekick.

"Ashton, honey you should get going, Madison'll be waiting for you." Mum said as she dumped a bag of candy into a bowl and took it from the kitchen to the front entryway where she set it down on the table.

"Alright," I said, putting on my mask. "How do I look?"

"Very cute," she said, smiling.

"Mum," I groaned. "I'm not supposed to look cute! I'm supposed to look superhero-y. Or, well, sidekick-y."

"Ashton, you look fine, now go." she said, before retreating upstairs to help Lauren with her princess costume.

"Alright, I'm out of here." I said, grabbing two small Butterfinger candies out of the bowl as soon as she was gone and leaving the house.

So, now I'd finally get to see Maddy in her costume. I was with her when she had bought it, but she would never let me see it, until now.

When I finally reached her front door, I knocked twice before the door swung open to reveal Mr. Holmes, Maddy's father. I gave him a smile, and he smirked at my costume.

"Hi Ashton," he said. "Maddy will be down soon, she just needs a minute. Still getting ready."

"Dad, was that Ashton?" Madison called from upstairs.

"Yes, Ashton's here," my dad called back.

I heard footsteps on the stairs, and then Madison came into view, smiling. In her costume, she looked awesome and, dare I say, badass.

"Hey," she said, grabbing a camera from the table at the bottom of the stairs and handing it to her father. "Dad, can you get our picture?"

He nodded, and Maddy walked over to me, my arm shrugging around her shoulders and her arm going around my waist as he got the picture.

"Alright, well, we're out of here," Maddy said. "Later Dad,"

"Don't be out too late, guys," he said, and Maddy shot him a thumbs up before shutting the door behind us.

On The Line (Ashton Irwin)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें