Chapter 24- Now

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Chapter 24- Now

-Ashton's POV-

"Welcome back to the world, Ashton," Luke said.

"I don't like this," I told Luke.

Holding his phone out in front of him, Luke started the Keek, waving at the camera before he began speaking.

"Hey guys," he said, waving, "I finally got Ashton to come and be social. Say hi you loser," he said, nudging me with his elbow.

"Hi," I said to the camera.

"For all those of you asking, Madison's still hanging in there, and we want to thank you for all of your well wishes." Luke said.

"Yeah, thank you guys," I said, smiling at the camera a bit. "It means the world to us,"

"Well, we're off to do some guy stuff today, so we'll probably talk to you guys later," Luke said, "Bye,"

Shutting the app after posting the Keek, I looked around the nearly empty street before looking back up at Luke.

"What are we even doing today?" I asked the younger boy.

He shrugged. "Not quite sure. I didn't think you'd actually agree to this," he said, cracking a smile. "But we can always do something. Your pick."

"My pick?" I asked.

He nodded. "Shoot. What do you want to do today?"

"Go to the hospital," I said without hesitation.

"And this is why nobody lets you make the plans." Luke joked. "Seriously though, lets do something fun. When was the last time you did something fun?"

"I made a sandwich right before I got the call about the accident." I said.

"And that's fun how?" he asked.

"I did my sandwich ritual," I said, shrugging.

"And there's the Ashton Irwin we all know and love," he said, smirking again.

"Seriously though, if there's nothing we want to do, I might as well just go back." I told him, gesturing backwards with my head.

"Ash, I want to help you." Luke said.

"And I don't want help." I told him.

"You might not want it, but you need it." Luke insisted. "Maddy wouldn't want you to be sad while she's in the state she is. She always wants people to be happy, she wants you to be happy."

"She does want me to be happy," I said, thinking about it for a moment.

"See?" Luke said. "Be happy, Ashton. Come enjoy the world, and see all your missing out on. Maddy wouldn't want you to throw your life away just to sit in a hospital with her. She'd want to you live your life to the fullest, so when she's able to, she can join you in doing just that."


"So this is your idea of fun?" I asked Luke as we walked in through the door.

He shrugged. "We always would find this fun while we were touring. And they're here in Sydney for a day, fans won't even know that they're in Australia until they tweet about it."

"And how did you find out then?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Liam told me awhile ago, I just had forgotten about it until now."

"I don't know..." I trailed off, uneasy.

"Ashton, you're telling me that seeing a surprise One Direction concert and getting to see them afterwards doesn't sound like fun to you?" Luke asked.

"I never said it didn't sound like fun..." I trailed off again.

"Well," he said, looking down at his phone, "According to this text I just got from Niall, they just tweeted about throwing this free surprise concert for two hundred people, so we should really get backstage before people trample us."

"Good thought," I said, as the doors opened and a few girls began to pour in.


"My favorite emos," Harry said as we walked in, giving both of us a hug.

"Harry," Luke smiled.

"How's Maddy doing, Ash?" Harry asked then.

"She's alright," I said. "Same as before, but she's doing a bit better."

"I'm glad she's alright," he said. "I'll never forget the time a fan taught me what shipping was, and then they asked me who I shipped the most."


"Harry!" a young girl asked, maybe fourteen. "Who do you ship most as your OTP?"

"Who do I what as my what now?" Harry asked, and I looked back at him, hearing the sounds of Louis and Calum laughing behind me.

"Who do you ship, as in, if you ship two people, then you want them to date." she explained. "And an OTP means one true pair, it's the couple that you ship the most."

"What's your name?" he asked her then.

"Carlie," she said.

"Well, Carlie, my OTP is Addy," he told her.

"Is that what I think it is?" she asked, a smile growing on her face.

"I hope so," he said, laughing before turning to all the other fans and yelling. "My OTP is Ashton Irwin and Madison Holmes!"

"You're still my OTP," Harry said, patting me on the shoulder.

"There's a lot of people out there," Niall said, peeking through one of the curtains. The girls outside must've caught his eye, because screaming erupted from the crowd.

"God, I've missed performing," Zayn said, smiling.

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