Chapter 27- Then

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Chapter 27- Then

-Madison's POV-

"So when are you going to tell him?" Anne asked as the two of us sat in front of the television, sipping out of our tea mugs.

"When he comes home in a couple months," I said. "Like I've said, it's not exactly something you tell a guy over the phone."

I wouldn't even know how to begin to tell a guy that over the phone. What would I even say to Ashton about it anyways on the phone? Hey baby, how's tour? I miss you, oh and guess what? I'm pregnant...

Yeah, not exactly something said over a phone call.

"I can't wait to be a grandma," she smiled. "Though, I could've waited a few years. But I trust you two, and I know you two are ready."

"You think?" I asked, "I mean, he doesn't even know yet. What if he gets mad?"

"I don't think he would," she said. "He'd understand why you waited to tell him, and he's always wanted kids at a younger age. He thinks it'd allow him to be closer to his kids, let him go on runs with them, and he can coach their little league sports teams. He'd especially be happy that you're having a boy."

"Yeah," I agreed, resting a hand on my stomach. "Little Austin,"

"He'll be ecstatic, Maddy," Anne assured me.

"Hope so," I said, looking out the window at the cars passing by on the road.


"Hello?" I asked groggily, sitting up in bed.

"Hey, Maddy, did I wake you?" Ashton asked over the phone.

"No, you're fine," I said, yawning.

"Liar," he said, giggling. "I'm sorry,"

"No, no you're fine, really. I love hearing your voice." I told him.

"I miss you," he said.

"I miss you too," I told him. "How's tour?"

"Incredible," he said. "Though it'd be better if you were here,"

"Yeah, I know right," I said as I felt something wet beneath me, like I had been sitting in a puddle of something. Though when I turned on the light to see what it was, I wish I hadn't. "Uhm, Ashton, I gotta go," I said in a panicked tone.

"Why, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing I'm fine," I said, leaving the room and heading for Anne's room.

"Madison Holmes, tell me what's wrong," he said.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I'll call you later." I said, hanging up before he could respond.

"Maddy?" she asked as I had woken her up. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm bleeding," I told her, a tear falling from my eye. "I don't know what's happening,"

Her eyes widened and she stood up, taking my hand in hers. "Come on dear, we need to get you to the hospital."

Going to the hospital was always a short drive, but this time it felt like forever. I was trying to stay calm, but I just couldn't. I could be losing Austin.

Walking into the hospital, Anne told the receptionist what my problem was, and then a wheelchair was brought out, me being wheeled into a room with Anne next to me, and the doors being shut behind us. 


"Miss Holmes," the doctor said as he walked into the room Anne and I were in, and I looked up from my hospital bed towards him.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Holmes, but we couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm afraid that you've had a miscarriage," he said, shaking his head sadly.

He left the room then, and Anne put a comforting arm around my shoulders as I started to cry again. Cry for all the people who would've been affected by Austin.







My parents, even.

But mostly, for Ashton. His own son, the one he never knew existed, and he still doesn't know. And I still wouldn't tell him, not until he got back. That's probably an even worse thing to say over the phone than the fact that I was pregnant in the first place.

Telling him that I had been pregnant but I wasn't anymore.

Hey guys! So, there's one more Then chapter, two Now chapters, and the epilogue left! We're so close to ending this, and that makes me really sad because it's my first 5SOS fanfic and I don't want it to end!

And I got a new cover! Special thanks to Nicole (Eternal_Glory) for the cover, and if you go check out some of her works you won't be disappointed! Eternal_Glory is one of her accounts, it's her Harry Potter one, but she also has a Twlight account, a Teen Fiction one, and a celeb Fan Fiction one as well!

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