Sequel! (Kind of!)

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Hey guys!

So, if you saw the title of this part, then... Yeah. There will be a sequel to this book!

However, it's not a sequel in the sense that it's a continuation of Maddy and Ashton's story, but instead it's going to be like an independent 3 book series about the members of 5SOS. Maddy and Ashton will definitely be big characters, but it's Calum's love story for what happened after On The Line finished. Also in here, it will be a continuation of Luke and Hannah as well as the story of Calum and Trinity.

The sequel is called Saving Calum, and I'm hoping to release it sometime in the next week or so!

And, if you guys follow my Instagram (livstyles_official) hopefully by the end of today I'll have an edit for Saving Calum!

I'm really excited to write this, and I hope you guys are just as excited as I am to read it! And I will definitely be making a post on this book to let you guys know when it's up once I publish the first part.

See ya soon!
-xoxo Liv

PS: Third book in the series is Michael and Valerie and will be called Amnesia after Saving Calum is completed

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