Chapter 11- Then

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Chapter 11- Then

-Madison's POV-

Here it was. My date with Ashton.

I can't believe I told him that I liked him. But I also never expected him to respond in the same way.

What even made me say it in the first place?

It was definitely the feeling of a near-death experience.

After Ashton asked me out, the wheel had begun working a few minutes later. So, obviously, we didn't die. We're still here, living breathing, and going to school, sadly.

After Ashton had walked me home from school, like always, I sprinted up the stairs, tossing my messenger bag on my bed as soon as I got to my bedroom and opening up the closet. I'd liked Ashton for a few weeks now, ever since homecoming when I stayed over at his house, and I really wanted this night to go well.

Call me girly, call me cliché, whatever. I just couldn't shake this feeling that if everything didn't go exactly perfect, then my whole friendship with him would be ruined. It'd be ruined because we weren't compatible to be in a relationship.

What kind of stuff do you even wear out for banana milkshakes anyways? Last time we did that, it was homecoming, so I was in a dress. Not exactly something you would usually wear there. Maybe a nice shirt and jeans?

Focus Maddy, I kept telling myself. You shouldn't have to change yourself just because you're going out with Ashton, he likes you for you, not for the clothing you wear. Well, maybe he did like that I didn't exactly get dressed up to go places. Hell, I almost wore Converse to homecoming.

Pulling out a black tank top, and pulling on a pinkish-red tie-front plaid shirt over it, I grabbed a pair of jeans and my combat boots, slipping them on and combing through my hair quickly before collapsing on my bed and grabbing my phone, seeing I had a text from Ashton.

Ash: Hey, I'll be there around 5. That alright?

Me: Yeah, sounds great. See you then. :)

Checking the time on my phone then, I saw that it was almost 4:30, so I had half an hour before Ashton would show up. So, I ran to the bathroom, reapplying some mascara and mentally prepping myself for tonight.

"Alright Maddy, you can do this," I said, mascara wand in my hand. "You like him, he likes you, everything will go fine."

"Mad, you alright in there?" my mother asked from the other side of the closed door.

"Yeah, I'm fine Mum. Just... talking to myself I guess." I said, mentally cursing myself for being stupid.

The next few minutes passed by in a blur, and I found myself waiting by the door at 4:59, when the knock finally came. Trying not to look too eager, I waited a few seconds before pulling the door open and seeing Ashton's smiling face.

"Hey," I said, quickly hugging him and pulling away, following him outside and shutting the door. "You look great,"

He was in a pair of skinny jeans and his black Vans, adorning a Mayday Parade band t-shirt and a black beanie covering his hair, so I breathed a small sigh of relief, knowing that I wasn't overdressed or underdressed.

"Thanks," he said. "You do too."

We walked down the drive of my house, Ashton's fingers lacing with mine, and a small tingling feeling shooting up my arm from where our hands touched, but I didn't pull away. This almost felt natural, holding hands with Ashton.

On The Line (Ashton Irwin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora