Chapter 25- Then

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Chapter 25-Then

-Madison's POV-

-1 Year Later-

"Can I just express how extremely proud of you guys I am?" I asked Ashton as we laid in bed that night, just talking.

He looked down at me, and I looked up at him before he pressed a quick kiss to my lips and just letting it linger. These are the things I'd miss the most about him being gone. Him being here, with me.

"I won't leave you for the boys of One Direction, I promise," he joked, and I hit his shoulder playfully.

"It's not the One Direction boys I'm worried about," I told him, a tear falling from my eye.

"Then what are you worried about?" he asked, sitting up, and I sat up too, him wrapping his arms around me tightly as I laid my head on his shoulder.

The boys were officially going on a world tour. With One Direction no less. They'd be the opening act for their Take Me Home tour. But I couldn't just drop everything and travel across the world with him, so I'd be staying here. The Pants Down Tour was different; that was just around Australia. Not the entire world.

"Ashton, you're going to be performing in front of millions of girls," I said.

"Aren't you happy for me?" he asked.

"I just told you how proud of you I am," I said, smirking. "Nothing can ever stop me from being proud of you."

"Then what are you worried about?" he asked.

"All the meet and greets, all the screaming and adoring fans. All the girls." I added.

"And you think I'm going to meet someone," he said.

I nodded, looking up at him again but not meeting his eyes. "I can't help but wonder what if? What if that happens? I love you Ashton, I-" I went to continue on, but he cut me off by kissing me again.

"Hey, don't think that," he said as soon as we broke apart, resting his forehead against mine. "There's no one better suited for this idiot than this little weirdo next to me."

"I love you," I said again.

"I love you too," he said. "More than you could ever imagine,"


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" three voices yelled, and reluctantly, my eyes fluttered open as I let out a tired groan, looking around in confusion.

"What the hell?" Ashton asked groggily as we looked up to meet the culprits, which were Luke, Calum, and Michael.

"You guys are up, good," Cal said, smiling and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes, we're fucking up." Ashton said. "Why did you wake us?"

"Flight leaves in two hours," Luke said nonchalantly.

"Are you serious?" Ashton asked.

"Dead serious," Luke nodded.

"We need to get going," Michael said. "You all packed? Car's waiting downstairs,"

"Yeah, it's all by the door," Ashton said, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, me then copying his gesture.

"Well, get dressed lovebirds," Luke said, before the three of them left the room, shutting the door behind them.

"I don't wanna go," Ashton groaned, getting out of bed and stumbling over to the chair where his flight clothes were and he quickly pulled on the sweatpants, t-shirt, and gray beanie.

Changing into my jeans , gray tank top and jean jacket, I followed him out of the room as I combed my fingers through my hair, pulling my Converse on as soon as I reached the shoes in the front entryway of the apartment.

 When we got to the driveway of the complex, we saw all the cars waiting, each of the three packed full of the different members of each of the boys' families. Except Ashton's, they'd be meeting us there, Ash and I were going in my Jeep.

Twirling my keys around in my hand, I popped the trunk open so Ashton could put his bags away, and then I hopped in the driver's seat as I heard him slam the door shut, before he piled in next to me in the passenger seat.

"Hi cutie," he said, leaning in and pecking my cheek softly.

"You're a dork," I said as I backed out of the driveway, following after Luke's mom towards the airport.

 The drive to the airport seemed a lot shorter than it usually is, but I guess that's expected, right? I wouldn't be seeing him until he got back, which was... a long, long time. End of the summer. So, that just meant either a lot of time by myself, or a lot of time with the Irwins, or the Hemmings, or anyone really.

"Come on, sing some more of your songs to me," I teased Ashton as I drove, turning the radio down.

"Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll, 'cause I can't control myself," he sang, smiling a bit. "I don't understand another way but I'm trapped under your spell. And it hurts in my head, and my heart, and my chest, and I'm having trouble catching my breath. Won't you please stop loving me to death?"

"Never," I teased, glancing at him before looking back out the window.

Parking my car next to Anne's, everyone piled out of the cars. My fingers interlocked with Ashton's tightly as we all walked, him joking around with the boys. When they got to the international departures gate, Liz pulled out her camera, and some pictures were taken. First was a group shot of the boys, all four of them pulling excited faces and giving thumbs up. Then there were family pictures being taken for each boy.

"Maddy, you and Ashton get in there," Liz said.

I looked at Ash and saw him nod before the two of us huddled together in front of the sign, his arm around my shoulders and my arms wrapped around his waist. She snapped the picture, and then we continued on towards the gate their plane would take off from to go to London, gate 3C.

"Flight 251 to London Heathrow Airport is now boarding," the flight attendant said over the intercom.

"This is it, right?" Luke said, looking around at everyone in the group, before hugging me first. "We'll miss you, Maddy, feel free to come visit wherever and whenever, right?" he asked and I nodded. "Thank you again for getting him to do this last year," he whispered in my ear.

"Of course," I whispered back to him.

"Bye Maddy," Calum said then, hugging me tightly. "I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too, Cal," I told him.

He released me then, Michael quickly taking his space.

"Madison Holmes, I will miss you," Michael said.

"I'll miss you too, Mike," I told him, ruffling his hair. "No crazy hair dye while you're gone, alright?"

"No promises," he smirked.

Finally, Ashton saved my hug for last, just as the gate doors were officially open.

"You'll always be my number one fan," he said, kissing my forehead softly.

"You won't forget me, right?" I asked him, smiling sadly as my eyes began to fill with tears.

"I could never do that," he said, hugging me tightly, and I looked up at him, before he kissed me one last time, finally releasing me and walking over to the gate with the boys. He had given his ticket to the flight attendant before turning around once more and waving.

After that, he was gone.

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