Chapter 14- Now

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Chapter 14- Now

-Ashton's POV-

"We're here, Mrs. Irwin!" Luke yelled as I trailed behind the guys into my mum's house, a blank expression on my face.

I could hardly cry anymore. All the tears had been practically drained from my body, leaving me just a shell. They don't even believe me that I had seen Madison in the mirror. I still don't even know what seeing her there means.

Was she there? Was she there, watching over me? Like my guardian angel? But if she was my guardian angel.. did that mean that she had met Austin? And if she was my guardian angel... did that mean that she really was gone for good? My Madison... gone for good.

No. She can't be gone for good. She's still here somehow, and I'm just here, waiting patiently for her to wake up. But I don't know how much more patient I can be. Having her not here with me is killing me, literally. Maddy, please just wake up. Please.

"Ashton!" Harry yelled, running down the steps to where I stood in the entryway and embracing me in a tight hug. I hugged him back tightly after a few moments, my face still devoid of all emotion, much like the rest of me.

"Ash!" Lauren yelled, following suit and hugging both Harry and myself.

"There you are," Mum said. "Come on kids, dinner's ready."

"Food!" Michael yelled, running into the kitchen.

"Come on, Ash." Luke said, looking at me sternly.

Luke was still monitoring me and making sure that I ate something. Otherwise, I don't think I'd ever eat. With Maddy like this, I'm by her side the entire time, tonight being an exception. Eating just doesn't come to my mind like it used to.

I've lost weight since Maddy got in the accident, just five days ago. Even though Luke's been monitoring me, I've eaten about one meal each day, and I've already begun to look skinnier. I can't stop it, it just happens.

"I'm not hungry," I whispered to Luke as we followed the others into the kitchen.

"Yes, Ashton, you are," Luke said. "You just don't realize it."

"I'm not hungry, I swear," I told him.

"Ashton, yes you are. Just eat something, please. For her. You know Maddy wouldn't want you to starve yourself like this. You know that."

I did know that. I know Madison wouldn't want me to practically waste away while she was in a coma. She would want me to eat, be healthy and everything. But I just can't do that. It just doesn't feel right. It's wrong.

Sitting down at the table, I looked across the table at where Calum had the plate with chicken on it as he pulled pieces onto his plate, then passed it to me, Luke eyeing me sternly as I pulled a couple pieces off of it, and onto my own plate. When Luke finally looked satisfied, I passed the plate over to Michael.

He did the same thing with the bowls of corn and mashed potatoes that were passed around the table. I'd put enough on my plate until Luke was happy, and then I'd pass it on. I guess I could eat, even though I wasn't in the mood to eat anything.

"So, boys, how was the tour?" Mum asked, trying to make dinner conversation, but then the smell of the food had finally reached my nose.

I won't lie to you. The food smelled amazing. So, I did what any other teenage boy, a starving one, I'd now realized, like myself would do. I began shoveling mashed potatoes into my mouth, the smile on Luke's face growing bigger.

"Easy, Ash," Calum said.

"I told him he was hungry," Luke said.

"I've never seen him look this hungry." Mum said. "Never in his nineteen years."

"Food," I mumbled, finishing the mashed potatoes. "And the tour was good,"

"I'd say it was pretty incredible." Michael said. "Touring around the UK and America with One Direction was mad."

"And we get to go around Australia still." Cal added. "In a month, in fact."

"I've still never been to a concert," Harry said.

"Me either," Lauren said.

"Well, when we perform here in Sydney, you'll all get to see us." Luke said, smiling. "Isn't that right, Mrs. Irwin?"

"Of course it is," she smiled. "So," she said, changing the subject. "How's the album?"

"Amazing," Michael said.

"Releasing it in December," Cal informed her.

"It's pretty good," I said, starting on the chicken.

"I can't wait to hear it," she smiled.


"Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Irwin," Luke said as we began to head out of the house.

"My pleasure, boys. Come again soon." Mum said. 

"We will," Michael promised.

"I'm so full," I groaned, pressing a hand to my aching stomach.

"At least you ate," Calum said.

"I will give it to you guys that I was hungry." I admitted. "But I ate too much, thanks to the food standards from Mr. Hemmings here."

"Whatever it takes for you to eat something," Luke said.

"Luke, sometimes I swear there's a grown man stuck in that seventeen year old body of yours." Calum said.

"Mature and whatnot," Michael added.

"Whatever," I said. "I've eaten, now I just need to sleep."

"Alright Ash," Luke said. "Let's get you home."

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